Composers you've warmed to and cooled down from?

Hahah no da potency iz lyk da amount ov Buttah n da length iz da amount ov bread

An opera try to zpread 30 minz worth ov butta ova 2 or 3 hrz ov bread

Da pop zong argument iz only zemi valid becuz a pop zong iz uzually a couple 20-30 zec melodiez on rpt. Zo dat iz lyk 1 min ov butta on 3-4 minz ov bread.:bread:

I vil agree dat it doez vary n zum operaz are mo cuntziztent den othaz

but da onez dat da PIMP wrote parazheeyatz from, he zenzibly took da hilitez n didnt tranz da full opera lyk he did fo da full :nigga: zymphz.

Dey juz aint on da zame level ov butta-bread ratio :bread:

Used to dislike Schubert and most Faure. Now that Iā€™m an old lady cry into my knitting with some of that stuff. Some Chopin and Brahms Iā€™ve just heard too much for anything other than extraordinary perfs break through.

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This bread and butter argument is not really making sense to me after 4 pints, but I will mull it over and come back to it tomorrow, or pozz never. :sunglasses:

I think you think these things simply because you donā€™t know opera. For example, my favourite opera tranny is the Liszt Norma, but it absolutely pales in comparison to the original! Itā€™s not even close. Man, when you hear Callas sing the ending with that continuous vocal tear, you just get super mad at Liszt for taking the theme out of context and making it agitato!


That ending is transcendent the way she sings it.

The parasheeyatz are just one thing and the opera another. No comparison really.


tru to be fair I may not noe opera but I do noe

How to make a gud zandwich :bread: :sunglasses:


Tru, and for me, much as I love da :pimp: lovedeath, itā€™s not a match for the original. Seeing that live is quite unforgettable.

What opera tranny is better than source material??

Ones with crappy source material :stuck_out_tongue:

Ergo, probably some of the obscure :pimp: ones.

Iā€™m thinking rienzi right?? Original is 5 hours of musical barf. 6 min just right ; )

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Hahaha. Never heard the full thing, or even close to it. Isnā€™t it supposed to have a fucking BALLET section??

Wagner with young dude T def. too much = just right ; )

Never heard mute of porcini, bet cziffs Liszt version more revolution filled n shitā€¦ will investigate this.

Woh the overture way worse than Liszt version!!!

Ahahah dis LEGENDARY :zif: rec!

ahahahaha if we include ztraight tranz

da TANNED HO OVACHA def bettah den da orch original

in fact, tiz make da original zound lyk a failed attempt to orcheztrate a wikid 88 zong :sunglasses:

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Mahler. Used to be obsessed. Now I can barely listen to him.

On the flip side, Bruckner. Used to find him aimless and so avoided him except for his 9th. Now sublime, every symphony amazing.

Iā€™m sure the above will flip flop in a few years.

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Iā€™ve warmed to some of the more modern and dissonant composers, especially Prokofiev, Shostakovich and Stravinsky. Iā€™m not in the mood to listen to them all the time but at least I can appreciate them more than when I was younger.

As a kid I was kind of obsessed with Gershwin, not so much anymore. Other than that I really havenā€™t cooled down from any composers, although Iā€™ve cooled down from a lot of pieces (mainly all the hackneyed stuff like Fantasie Impromptu and so on).

I started as a Mahler fan, quickly became a Brucknerite and have never looked back. I think itā€™s a substance over style thing. Mahler is flashier, but he doesnā€™t come close to Brucknerā€™s depth.

True - Niobe. The Aria itā€™s based on is actually pretty sheeyat. :yum: The ideas in it are good and characterful, but they strike me as coming from a composer who isnā€™t very good at ā€œcomposingā€. Despite just being a party piece Lisztā€™s treatment of the same material is much more intelligent and creative, and indeed you can even see it as a parody of the original. What he normally does is to write an introduction and then clearly presents the first subject, but here he chops it up, fools around with it and keeps aborting it in a pretty hilarious way, and you donā€™t actually get the full theme until halfway through the piece. Itā€™s not that same respectful treatment his paraphrases usually have. The mid section is also so over the top that Iā€™d really like to know whether he played it seriously or theatrically himself (but given the time it could very well have been seriously meant).

Wut about Meyerbeerz Operaz?

2 ov ma fav PIMP parazheeyatz -

Hugenutz :peanuts: m da Bob da Devil :japanese_ogre:

Zhorly dey iz betta den da Operaz :sunglasses:

Hahha da way I becummah a Brucknah fan wuz to take da BAREN cumplete zet n make a playlizt ov all da ZCHERZO mvmtz

Dey iz BY FAR da moz immediate n accezibly wikid partz ov da BRUCKz zymphz

Tru dey iz da leazt deep partz but very excitin zheeyatz