da inztant clazzic POZT YO PIC THREAD

ahahahahahhahahahahhahah tha mart confuzo 2nd pic :lib:

haha so iz da plastix

hahaha fuckin MART i hope u ztole that legendery sign im da 2th pic :ziff:

ok, diz pic from a recent id card (looking dangerouz):

diz older pic, brew age 16 wit sister:

haha i finally figured out this image shit, so I will celebrate by posting about 30 pics (As many beers as Andre the Giant drinks in an hour)

battle of the bands with my brother’s band (i filled in on bass, got to slap around and improvise a lot, good time)


randomly I finished this bottle of liquor myself and didn’t remember the night shortly afterwards.

one of my ex-cunts

looking like a douchebag

after hallucinating

me with ex-cunt and friend ruining a pic

mozt of you look like da terroriztz , me lookz like da genie … HAAH !

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left corner NOR



diz fucking THREAD…gensui sheeyat !!!

damn, da brew randomly looks like indian. RESPEC …8)

musicsniggah, u iz officially a CUNT…:dong:

nice picz btw

hahahahahaha…nor, wtf iz dat biatch sitting on da floor starring at…a meteor?


ahahahha randomly gittin hammrd wit zum legendz

HAHAHA da ROB lookz lyk a guy I know in dis pic tru

randomly I’m 50 percent persian/indian 50 percent WAY Irish.

Spice shitz reprezent

da hitler shorly didn’t even imagine diz sheeyat :lib:

tru, half (singaporean) indian. But I could pass for full.

dayum. moi: 50% jap, the rest is swede, welsh, and god knows what.


Dayum everybody’s a mutt deze dayz. I’m a quarter Indonesian, Dutch,French, and Korean.

damn tru. im about 92.75% mexican/spanish and 7.25 american indian. ill post a pic when my camera cooperates.

The classic Thrac + asian groupies pics:

…and randomly da furious emperor:

…and da furious Shatner:


tru, i a bit young

me wif a couple friends, da sergio and odair assad.

tiz taken at one of mah random recitals

ok…here iz mine…truly I have barely any pics of myself, these are some xmas family ones (in which we just iz being dumb) + a couple random ones from like 2 years ago

me being a douche:

me looking a bit ghey:

me humping da little man:

me, drunk, with random hand fetish: