Da modern sdc

Welcome to the club Mr. PotatoHead. Can I recommend that (like yours truly) your first thread should be a Wud u Hit it one?

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Yeah, maybe purge the lurkers?

Where do you find whose online now?

Hehe, no I didn’t sit here counting them, but if you go to the users page you can sort & filter your way to the daily number of visitors.

all the topics that was “restricted” in sum way or anothah in da old SDC I tranfered them to #legendz:elite-recz so this is probably what you want to use

#legendz:recordingz is to talk about youtubez vids and zheeyatz

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I c

Had a thought - coz the :heart: is kinda :ghey:, can we replace the icon with :zif:?
Thus bringing back da Ziffros.

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I think we can do better :pimp: :rectum:

What about :rocky: for :+1: and :dong: for :-1:?

Hahaha da Dongah is a top 20 peniz

I iz inztalling da https zheeyat fo chrome #doncpanic

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What does it do?

I clicked on a megaphone icon on the mobile version of the site (because that’s how wild and untamed I am on the Internet), and as far as I can tell nothing happened.

What have I done?


I think it persuades Google to not give security warnings re the site.

That’s cool. As long as it doesn’t broadcast my posts across twitter or something :grin:

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Aha I was answering da x’s question. Funny thing though, I’m on the mobile version and saw the megaphone… it’s no longer there. I assume it’s probably a social media share plugin?

It was some kind of new chat feature this morning.

We need a live sdc chat!


tiz nice, tho it deleted my profile pic

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haha diz ?

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