Da TM eggdrop zoup choprel (15) cummah!

Diz clazzic prel!



zhorly da LOLITA vil appreciate diz clazzik from da CHOP greatezt hitz zelexion :sunglasses:

randomly az u already noticed

diz zong

vil zound 10 tymz bettah

on an 88 wiz da propah HOOFZLAM BAZZ EFFECTZ :hammer: :sunglasses:

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Zhe is in no mood fo a fuckin 88 unleazh rite now

I’ll chill on da 88 recz wiz her.

Haha diz 88 randomly wikid n not too bright pretty smooth

gud :stopwatch:

I wondah if a zub-1-min perf wud be az wikid az da Erldong :lib: ?


Haha da middle sect simply deserveth a cut

Dat big ass repeat does not do anything except give ya blue balls fo prel 16

‘Be careful not to bend the tempo too much’ what sacrilege. :joy: I think I’ve played and heard dis mofo so often I’d now struggle to play it straight. Rezpek da ‘tasteful’ lh changes hehe.

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Datz rite!

Randomly da Chop evah changing voice leading is a real azz pain to memorize

I still haff fakerudies in pretty much every prel but each one is now away from da score


Agreed. Da C# minor is juz…whut…30 secunts of mu*ic, but itz a pain in d’azz to memorize…

Pretty good effort. How long have you been learning them?

I started dem 8 weeks ago, and after my usual detailed penizdick work on each one, dey randomly took still more effort to memorize

Wiz Liszt compoz, dey iz juz zo logical dat dey memorize demselves