Da zepp 2020 gala perf cummah

Zoulful ramblin
Ztandard techz only
Zumwut 80% moizt :sunglasses:


More than 20% fury by normal standards…

even if pozz not by :zepp: ztandahdz!

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Ahahaha tru, I recummend juz zkippin thru n zamplin random partz

U may wikidly land on a random FURY part by zurprize

N da ztrukcha vil be juz az coherent :sunglasses:

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Possibly creating “still waters” style fury here which still counts. Also the March sections pretty furious too.

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Going to heard diz genzui now!!!

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2:18 da :pimp: fountains at da villa cummah!

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Ahahaha tru diz type of event uzually call fo a heavy moizt cumponent

I made a zlite mizcalculation by droppin da pure-rape zpazz endin i haff preped in favah of

zl*w re-ztament of da theme in weird rhythm

But mo dignified pozz :ghey: :sunglasses:

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Da related vid also look promising

Haha FUCK.

Randomly da STEINWAY is in damn good shape. Good luck finding something of that caliber even at Juilliard.

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Ahahaha derez zum mo cg fountain zheeyat in da middle tru :whale:

Even a :wim: zpeed verzion if I rezheeyat correctly :sunglasses:

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Also, REZPEK da vid angle. Better den most comp broadcasts dat focus on da face n hide cheats :sunglasses:

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5:20 diz beautiful moment truuu
6:15 da MINI PRICK 6 LH arts unleash! :rectum:

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Ahahaha tru from 5’00 tiz da klazzik

:wim: zpeed fountain :sunglasses:

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7:40 diz random octs burst!
8:20 Rezpek diz sudden COCK THRUST.
9:30 tru, WIKID Minah sect

9:49 diz a nu theme?

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Ahahah tru diz da zlitely morphed

DRAGON theme :sunglasses:

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Hahaha FUCK.


12:00 sum insanity cummah!!!

Ahahah tru diz randomly a pre-praxed part

Harzhly did not zurvive da rape very well :sunglasses:

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daim, diz hall randomly got wikid acoustics.
Diz 88 + hall combo randomly better den most NY venues dat is accessible fo

Non-Trif/Yuja mofos :sunglasses:

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Ahahaha mannn truuu diz hall a bit inzanely wikid

Zum zemi-famouz mofoz haff unleazhed on diz 88, da jan lickzki if I rezheeyat correctly :sunglasses:

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Fuck! Rezpek da high-end venue.
Tru, dat 88 is LEGIT.

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Ahahaha alzo randomly, when u noe da level of yo audience (lay-mofoz in diz caze), tiz make it eaziah to UP DA RAPE at key zpotz juz to delivah dat extra pound of FURY

TRU, even if da audience iz 88-literate, juz imagine dem az non-88/non-m*zician mofoz n da FURY vil flow bettah :sunglasses: