da zepp randomly teach da nu moonwalk tech

ahahahahah fuckkkkkkkk i iz now inveztigatin da 25/6 chrom thirdz

diz bazically a 13-24 rpted cg zloth climb

pozz a failed tech from diz zyztem

lookz cg but juz to zl*w 8)


it appearz u can achieve PERFECT LEGATO, wiz zero fingah zlide or thumb jump

zo tiz ztill a major zuccezz :moizt: :m*zicality: 8)

demo cummah :nutsack: 8)

Da zepp: “walk. Walk dat zheeyat!”

Inztant clazzic


Alzo, da zepp discussing LEGATO?!

Is dere a zkep-zepp zaga development dat mah bad zelf iz not aware of?! 8)

ahahahahah da zepp juz zhamelezzly latch onto da LEGATO idea to try and turn a FAILED TECH into a zuccezz :whale:

Diz epic tube series

“Walk dat shit like a sloth climbing up a tree!”



HAHAHA da realiztic Mart think u will have to zwitch to RH fo da dezending zheeyatz

n make zllight adapationz to da zcorez given diz conztraint

alzo a zwivel chair may be an important azzet fo da 2P/1zepp genre 8)

Diz genre arguably mo legendaire den



ahahahahah REZPEC da MART EYE fo prakdickal applicazheeyat!! :stop:

tho da zepp iz juz ztartin to explore da tru potential fo da mo difficult (pull) direction. da LH dezcendin clearly a bit zheeyat in all currently uncovahed tech patternz



ahahahah truuu da dirtinezz of 2girlz/1cup

zimilah to da dirtinezz of

da zepp 88 tech 8)

hahahaha I will hear diz tomorrow

ok da next logikal ztep in development:

n da inztant prakdickal applicazheeyat, obviouzly mo den a bit zheeyat at diz point 8)

n alzo

Hahaha da Mart iz waitin fo

Chords 8)

I will hear diz aftah ma polish nympho rectal today

Haha youtube live diz

I doubt she will allow private streaming from her home.
I’ll get a pro audio of da rectal tho 8)

ahahahaha pozz dun even azk fo her wifi pazz n ztream it uzin yo data plan 8)

da zepp haff enuff monthly data to live ztream a MAXIM-zpeed BEE but no mo 8)


I will see what can be done!

Pozz da TM zenior can vid rec diz on hiz phone

ahahahah ok diz may fuck up yo depuzzy etudez, zo dun watch b4 da rectal 8)

alzo, diz lykly a move zum mofo already attempted b4 zince tiz a bit obviouz

but clearly belong in da FUCKED zyztem 8)

Ahahaha da walking fizh tech! Da feztin approveth! Fizh wiv pentatonic zcalez, pozz.