Underplayed Schumann

I haf had Dover’z 3 thick volumez of da Zhoe’z 88 workz fo agez now and zo many ov da piece in dem are barely played

Dere zeemz to be a general cuntzenzuz dat hiz gensui faded az hiz inzanity came on and hiz early run of approx op1 - op30 wuz hiz moz gensui

Certain piecez are barely played

Da op 8 Allegro fo example

Not a bad piece at all but barely played.

Opinionz on deze lezz played piecez?

And wut do u think ov hiz barely played Paganini capricez?

Mainly not played becuz dey iz lezz penizdick den da :pimp:z?

There are many underplayed Schumann’s works that deserves attention and 2nd or 3rd listening, after which they become easier to understand and listen.

Few years ago, my teacher from Croatia gave a recital that included his Impromptu, op. 5 and selection from Intermezzi, op. 4 Have to admit that I’ve never heard those, but it was very interesting, esp. with op. 5, which was probably the first performance of that work in Croatia!

Some cycles you can really rarely hear as a whole - Novelleten op. 21, or even Bunte Blatter op. 99.

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I like the Paganini caprices, but maybe only so much. This earned a tube upload a couple of months ago (headphone warning at 00:52, when he kinda explodes).


Gesänge der Frühe, Op. 133 is an example of a very inspired late Schumann.

And I really love the 6 Etudes in Canon Form, Op. 56, arranged for two pianos by Debussy. It’s rarely performed but Schumann at his best IMO

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That’s really beautiful, first time I’ve heard it. Thanks.

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Volodoz @ Carnegie, great perf , expozed me to diz gensui.

Randomly, I’m a big fan of the string quartets, but I’ve been told they’re extremely difficult to play and perform.


Diz piece haf wikid variationz and zum lezz zo. I think it wud be played mo often if it wuz lezz frowned upon to juz make a mazhup ov yo fav varz n unleazh it lyk dat in rectal :sunglasses:

Alzo not zure how well it’z known among peniztz but diz iz one of hiz bezt workz imo.

Blumenstuck Op. 19 and Nachstucke Op.23 don’t get played as much as the other sets, but they’re incredible. The Op. 72 fugues are interesting, and the introduction and Allegro Appassionato Op.92 is a strong work.

I suppose even the novelettes Op. 21 are underplayed.


I assigned the op. 92 Konzertstuck to a student, and really quite enjoyed it, don’t know why it’s not programmed more often.

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This is definitely NOT underplayed by cellists and horn players. Standard rep.

I like da op76 quite a lot

@dachoo42 might be able to offah zum inzight

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Ahahaha da ZHOE long workz mozly zound lyk

da chop zhitzo 1 wiz three mo repeatz :sunglasses:


It’s one of the sets that Richter would program a lot in his Schumann-only concerts towards the end of his life

Along with the Op.99 and Op.72, also very good underplayed works. Especially Op.99, da Blunt Bladder



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