Vitali Chaconne in G minor Zolo 88 tranz?

FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK da grandioze epicozity ov diz piece

I rememba da ROBBAH @Rob wuz attemptin to make an 88 zolo tranz pozzibly :gav:

Found diz rezpecable tranz, pozzibly not az fully BUZd az I wud haf lykd but I wud lyk to c anotha mofo work from diz n create an expanded verzion

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hahahahah damn i harzhly loz my arrgt that wuz incomplete :frowning_face:

haffing zaid that, tru it wuz much mo BUZd than thiz one :doc:

i pozz zent u n tha KRIT an mp3 of part of it if u ztill haff it? :lib:

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I really hate this piece. It’s in the same category, for me, as the Warsaw concerto. Melodramatic shit.


hahaha da cg iz dat tiz a fuckin BAROQUE mofo
when tiz zoundz lyk zum random OZT zheeyat :whale: