whut TV zheeyatz iz u watchin?

fucking GoT wasn’t broadcast, so ghey. :comme:

hahaha toronto politicz lookz more thrilling 8)

hahahah tiz tru 8)

hahah fuck da ROBAH :got: 8)

hahahaha mannnnnnnn

i haven’t read tha zheeyatz zo that ending wuz a bit FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


everyone’s going crazy about GOT

i need to start watching that shit tru 8)

twuz a heartztoppah :stop:

tru anima ztart watchin but dun google zheeyat about it

cuz autozuggezt vil almozt fo zho zpoil zumthin; it alwayz doez :rectum:

last GoT made me shit blood

I’ve read the books and this was the ep I’d been waiting for. I thought it was pretty wikid. Although this is one instance where you miss the characters internal monologue.

OH man now it being pushed back a whole week waz ALL worth it… DAAAYYYUMMM what a conclusion…

Another season of GoT gone… and another 10 months till the next!
Sigh… now what am I supposed to watch?

Btw thought this scene was pretty bad-ass (and nice that they got the coin drop in there)


A bit :stop: but nu arrezted develop quite genzui tru



bezt zheeyat on tv ryt now :stop: :stop: :stop:

orange iz tha nu zheeyat iz zum of tha bezt drama on tv ryt now fo zho

I’ve finally caught up on Arrow - tru is ‘Batman lite’, but the island story is intriguing.
When I say catch up, I mean to the TV airing which is half way through season 1.

hahaha man, no offence but you watch a lot of TV! :dong:

tiz tru :dong:

Da new Dexter seazon not bad so far

haha fuckkkkkk