Zcott Joplin

Any ov u mofoz enjoy da Joplah?

Popular among beginnin 88 ztudentz but barerely evah dizcuzzd or taken zeriouzly here :dong:

  • Daim juz annoyin zheeyat
  • Actually zum wikid zheeyat

0 voters

Of course. It’s pop music though.

Pretty wikid

n tru diz a 2 zong mofo


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Hahaha U zhor?

U zhud noe da :zcholah: cunzidahz every zingle rag da JOPLAH wrote az a maztah :pizza:

Ahahah I iz not about to dizagree wiz one of da tri-fectahz of penizm :sunglasses:

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Hahahah mo den juz da Entahtainah n da Maple Leaf

42 fuckin Joplah vidz from da Zcholah

Rezpec if u can zit thro all deze :sunglasses:


I wouldn’t go dat far, it iz SALON muzic juzt az many of da Chop waltzes waz cuntzidered SALON muzic

Muzic dat iz less formal but still clazzy.

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Reassuring to see da ZCHOLAH plays da JOPLAH with as little style and understanding as he plays da :nigga: or da :bach:

da :zcholah: truly a muzical pygmy.


hahaha da :zcholah: da whytezt penizt on earth :sunglasses:


ahahahah da :zcholah: perzonal tri-fectah:

da whytezt mofo
playin da blackezt m*zik
in da worzt azn ztylee :sunglasses:


At least we haven’t yet encountered him in an ‘authendick’ interp from :wim:

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I’m pretty sure he slips the odd semiquaver here and there, and he’s not playing what his rolling score says, but that’s rather fun :sunglasses:

Robert strickland is good interpreter.

Also somewhere out there, the pianoconcerto and symphony are out waiting to be rediscovered…i hope

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Technically to make it really black the music should be done by ear