14 years of Da SDC

Damn, hope it goes okay dude!




da vice chair wizh da CHAIRMOFO a zwift n furiouz recovhry

n alzo hereby requezt a CLAZZIC COMME IMPRO to celebrate da anniverzazheeyat :comme: 8)

Rezpek yallz mofos!! :lib:

da precum?

Alzo duz da POCO know zhe iz ztill in da bannah? Dat wud be da mozt legendary recruitment of all tym 8)


MANNNN. Do you have any more genzui like diz!!!


Diz PRIZTINE 88 too. Juz… juz daim!

Mannn, I will alzo pozt a TM j-yard era random unleazh

Da tm jyard style a bit regrettable 8)


diz ztand alone SDC clazzic tru!!!

ahahahaha mannnnn da INZANE HANON ZTYLEE FINGAHWORK dat da zepp haff nevah attempted :sunglasses:

az u noe, da zepp himzelf harzhly rape diz mvmt wiz 70% wrizt zqueeze, 20% arm azzizt n pozz 10% fingahwork :sunglasses:

ahahahah mannnnn

da zepp wud be afraid az fuck if da ZKEPTO had even half

da TRUMOFO-level yellow fevah 8)

haha dayummm happy bday dasdc

also happy you’re back 8)

back at the conservatory this was my go to place, i still collected and listened to so many recordings and videos.

sadly i really dont have the time for all that and i hardly ever go " online " anymore as i used to (i just surf reddit on my phone is all really)

actually becoming a professional pianist and putting all my time and effort into music has taken up all my time to “passively” enjoy music.

but tru, glad to see this place is still alive, 14 years man, that’s almost half my life

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True! We were just kids when this place started, I remember thinking da mart was old because he was 21. Da Meph and da Fake must’ve been about 15 each, and da TM also when he joined. While Koji, as Senior Demon, was effectively our Yoda.

Randomly, I have more time for da sdc now than I did during my Masters.

I found some other sheeyat during my archeological dig the other day, including da e60m5 rach 3 opening, da Shaga rach 3 reply. Also found a complete Shaga Prok 2. Saw some sheeyat from da anima too, think it was a czerny etude, maybe I still have da sospiro from the Chopin files days.

Diz harzhnezz from da Chair!
Not exactly sure what the context of this was.

Can’t remember what comp this was from. But I remember he didn’t win.


HAHAHAHA n da RUDY prax wuz from da clazzic

one edition only

RECTUM COMP fo ovahaged mofoz :rectum:

i haffnt checked but dere wuz a 10/2 in dere zumwhere 8)

ah yes!
And true there was some 10/2 in there (of course you’d remember that). :rudy:

man I’m glad I wasn’t in this shithole when people had 2 tok lyk diz


Can’t be bothered to embed this on my phone, but here’s my czerny, my application for dasdc :sunglasses:

Still holds up, rezpec!
Now, do you still have that sospiro or your breakdancing sheeyats? 8)