1zt Evah International Piano Competition fo Speed Demonz

To be held rnadomly from [size=200]JUNE[/size] 26th 2007-whenevah.

age limit: none

application procezz: tell mahbadself you want to attempt some sheeyat and you will be accepted.

A non-refunable donation of [color=red]9000 ziffroz or [color=red]590 sviotazlavz iz required to partake. Donations should be donated to: Rob account.

The Hiztory of The Piano Competition fo Speed Demonz:


The Jury
1.1 Vill conzitz of mahbadself and anyone elze who dun want to entah tha comp.
1.2 The juryz decizionz iz final. Unlezz you argue yo caze to unfinalize it.
1.3 The jury vil be conzidering fury and speed foremozt. Sacrificing right notez iz acceptable for tha furthering of the aforementiond techniquez. Slownezz, mzicality and phrzing may rezult in dizqualification.

Competition Dates and Programs:

1.1 lazt day fo applicationz vil be no lezz than 1 minute befo the comp startz.

june 26Round 1 (beginnah demonz)

1.1 Schumman - The Wild Rider OR whatevah tha fuck u want.
1.2 a contrazting piece of yo choice. piecez chozen of a fazt or furiouz nature will be looked upon pozitelvely bt tha jury

(time limit: lezz than 5 minutez)

june27th Round 1 (intermediate demonz)
1.1 A Random mvt. from a BROTHA/ZART SONATA (2nd mvts. will rezult in automatic dizqualification)
1.2 Anotha sheeyat of yo choice

(time limit: no lezz than 5 minutez but no mo then 15)

june 28th Round 1 (experienced demonz)
1.1 A random pimp/chop etude (etudez which focuz on voicing n slownezz rezult in autodizqualification)
1.2 Any romantic work which dizplayz yo speed/fury n octavez OR aRandom imrpovization. (note: choozin random imrpov makez tha conteztant eligible fo tha ZIFF prize, see prize lizt for detailz.)

The jury vil notify by pozting a lizt in thiz thread who tha finaliztz are. All decizionz are final, yet u may appeal their finality. 8)

June 1st-3rd


Beginnah Demonz: Any piece of their choice which showz a dezire fo speed/fury. (Wrong notez are acceptable)

Intermediate Demonz: Alzo any sheeyat you want, although tha compozitionz of noted SDC legendz iz encouraged. (Wrong notz iz acceptabl.

Experiencd Demonz: Random cadenza from eitha Rach1 or 3, prokofiev 2 or any otha cadenza which iz deemed legendary fo whatevah reazonz. (wrong notez iz accpetabl if it iz fo CG, speed or furyioz purpozez)


Beginnah clazz:
1zt - 10 000 000 Zifffroz and a pozzibl change of yo title on tha sdc
2nd - 8 000 000 Ziffroz
3rd - 5 000 000 Ziffroz

Note: All finaliztz vil recieve a scholarzhip for 1 000 000 ziffroz to tha SDC conservatory

Intermeditate clazz
1zt - 100 000 000 Zifffroz and a pozzibl change of yo title on tha sdc
2nd - 80 000 000 Ziffroz
3rd - 50 000 000 Ziffroz

Note: All finaliztz vil recieve a scholarzhip for 1 000 000 ziffroz to tha SDC conservatory

Experienced Demonz
1zt - 1 Billion Zifffroz and a pozzibl change of yo title on tha sdc az well az a concert tour which vil lykly nevah occur, unlezz of courze you arrange it yo self.
2nd - 800 000 000 Ziffroz
3rd - 500 000 000 Ziffroz

no 4th prize. 8)

Special Awards

Da Record Breakah -3 million zifroz vil be awarded to any finalizt who breakz an eztablizhd SDC record in any etude by Liszt or Chop.

Da Skepto Award - 3 million ziffz vil be awarded to tha performah who subztituez tha mozt convincing record that iz not their own and getz away wit it. Howevah yo prize vil be forfeited once you have been found out.

Da Ziff Improv Award - i mentioned thiz earlier so i am writing about it now. u vil git zifforz if you improv wit fury/speed i supoze.


Final Note: Competition iz subject to not happening, and yo zifforz vil not be refunded

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da Rob didn’t azk fo da SDC bank agreement
well… wiz sum sponzahz tiz cud be pozzible 8)

ahahahahahahahah respec tha fuckin PERGO!! :dong:

az fo tha ziffroz i wuz going to pay tha prizes pozzibly. perhapz they iz a bit high. :rudy:


if 2553000 mofoz join u can pay da prizez 8)
or let da sponzahz pay da prizez n pay a rob special award


HAHAHAHAHAHA if we cud get da GUZTAV to pay uz inztead of da otha way around diz vil shorly be a zuccezz 8)

haha fuck!
if he acceptz to be paid in ziffro tiz ok 8)


1zt - 1 Billion Zifffroz and a pozzibl change of yo title on tha sdc az well az a concert tour which vil lykly nevah occur, unlezz of courze you arrange it yo self. RESPEC

Can I do the last 4 mins of the meph?

(Starting from da 12345 diminished seveth appregious on da RH)

moi don’t want to play da beginning

im too busy wit Mozart to enter this ztupid eazy comp !

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wut about a doc etude insted of a chop or pimp etude?

-da Meph

Your requezt iz bein procezzed and tha jury vil inform yobadself directly when a decizion hath been reached 8)

u forgot to log in


fuck! da rob av

yet da nz flag shud be in
remplacin a debatable flag
lyk da brazil 8)

hhaahh fuck dasdc renaissance

tiz a blatant copy of da Oz flag but gheyer.

iz dis sheeyat this year o next year? make it next year (or annual) so I can prepare for it…

videotaping should be required so dere aren’t any cheatahs :doc:

gahaha i vil make u swallow yer pride 8)

hahahah randomly tha artwork wuz done uzing tha flagz found at tha bottom of any tha MEGAUPLOAD pagez 8)

i c 8) 8) 8) i really think u shudn’t involve megaupload to diz cuz megaupload is TEH ghey
