AHAHA clazzic DUCH review


AHAHAHA da DUCH prog hardcorenezz bit wtf!!!

da funrailz zozpisheeyat benedicktuz campy RIGO MEF DON TRAVATAH WILLTELL sheeyat in 1 recital daim!!!

n den da predicktable verdickt:

In them, one longed for Mr. Duchable to express the feeling for life he now seems to reserve for his instrument. If he can learn to do so, he will become a remarkable musician indeed.

:duch: :stop: :stop: :stop: :stop: :stop:

Alfred Brendel’s latest recording, Duchable said, is “discouragingly artificial.” Maurizio Pollini has “worn himself out from repeating the same things” and Martha Argerich has “managed to become a myth by always playing the same four concertos.”

Nice. I have tickets for his live Rach 1 (which I just learnt) in Singapore January.

You guys want a listen? Heh heh…

haha wtf? Didn’t he retire? What happened to him blowing up his piano, dumping it in da lake, buring da tux etc? crazy french. you lucky bastards get so many big names playing in s’pore. We get none. and tru record diz sheeyat if pozz, randomly my favourite piece.

yet, Duchable’s rigoletta vid is totaly disgusting(when compared to otah great pianist of course)

-da Meph

da rig iz a pretty sheeyat piece to begin with.

not when played by da BULLET :rectum:

-da Meph

o da godowsky

o da Alicia Keys