ahaha da articulation -an ovahrated sheeyat?

ahaha dizcuzz da followin well-known clazzic perf, focuzin on

itz apparent legendarinezz


total lack of articulation:


how a mo articulate perf wud juz ruin da interp n make it ghey

n alzo pozz

da zheer gensui of dat accent (pedal aided) at 1’16 8)

tru diz 8)

tiz offizhal dong rating:

itz apparent legendarinezz: :dong: :dong: :dong:

total lack of articulation: :dong:

how a mo articulate perf wud juz ruin da interp n make it ghey: :dong:

da zheer gensui of dat accent (pedal aided) at 1’16: :dong: :dong: :dong: :dong: :dong:

haha da SINAH dizagree :chop:

ahahah fuck i wuznt aware tha freddy wuz a legend :blush:

i hilariouzly

hate everyzheeyat he doez 8)

but in thiz caze rezpectabl :stop: trunezz

haha this is such horrible shit

articulation isn’t overated, over articulation is. Sometimes I don’t need to hear EVERY note lol

n juz fo comparizonz zake:

a 12 yr old jap biatch quazi zitereadin perf

FUCKKKKKKK DIZ TECH!!! a bit trumofo 8)

What’s the point? :smiling_imp: