[jakev2.0] 1:26 am: i love jazz
[jakev2.1] 1:26 am: don’t have time…obviously you have time right now
[virtuosic1] 1:26 am: I did
[opus10no2] 1:26 am: Â Â Â Â
[jakev2.0] 1:26 am: why not post some
[jakev2.0] 1:27 am: i would love to hear an improvisation
[jakev2.0] 1:27 am: please
[danny elfboy] 1:27 am: why doubting so much to the extent of bothering him to provide
further recordings?
     [imbetterthenyou] 1:27 am: i forget which is the original jake
[jakev2.0] 1:27 am: indulge us!
[jakev2.0] 1:27 am: i doubt the veracity of his claims, like any rational person would
[danny elfboy] 1:27 am: why?
[jakev2.0] 1:28 am: because they sound fake to me    Â
[jakev2.0] 1:28 am: if you see a bear playing tennis, you would think it was CGI
[jakev2.0] 1:28 am: on a movie
[jakev2.0] 1:28 am: heheh
[danny elfboy] 1:28 am: do you think it would be possible to fake all the details he
shared about the playing of la campanella and the person to contact ?
[virtuosic1] 1:28 am: d.turboupload.com/d/229801/R1_0001.MP3.html
[jakev2.0] 1:28 am: sure
[jakev2.0] 1:28 am: i definitely think it would be easy to fake
[virtuosic1] 1:29 am: Ask Habermann if I’m a fake. Simple enough, right? Then you can
eat your own friggin’ words, son.
[jakev2.0] 1:29 am: i could pass myself off as some student of richter
[danny elfboy] 1:29 am: you know what … if after all of that he will prove him right with
some videos
[danny elfboy] 1:29 am: you won’t get away with just a bunch of apologies
[jakev2.0] 1:30 am: i really hope he does prove me wrong
[danny elfboy] 1:30 am: I have seen that happening before … you’ll owe to him way
more than just “sorry, I was wrong”
[opus10no2] 1:30 am: hahaha da virt noe mo bout sheeyat den da dan
[danny elfboy] 1:30 am: just saying … not implying
[virtuosic1] 1:30 am: Ask Habermann, and then we can see how willing you are to
apologize for your BS
[opus10no2] 1:30 am: but da dan dun unleazh random recz
[jakev2.0] 1:30 am: WHY would i ask habermann?
[jakev2.0] 1:30 am: why don’t you ask mikhail pletnev if he knows a pianist named “jake”
[jakev2.0] 1:30 am: jesus
[opus10no2] 1:30 am: laceillusions.com/lingerie-2/luc … rset-2.jpg
[jakev2.0] 1:30 am: what’s your full name?
[virtuosic1] 1:31 am: He has heard, seen, and commented on my technical ability.
[opus10no2] 1:31 am: hahaha jake, wud u zay dat pic containz anysheeyat dat iz
[opus10no2] 1:31 am: fake? Â Â Â Â
[jakev2.0] 1:31 am: hahaha no
[opus10no2] 1:31 am: correctly    Â
[jakev2.0] 1:31 am: i am familar wif diz beeyatch, through email correspondance with an
old romanian acquaintance of mine with a fondness fo rhte female form
[jakev2.0] 1:31 am: her gifts are legendary    Â
[virtuosic1] 1:31 am: I understand. You don’t want to be PROVED wrong, do you? Your
world would end?
[jakev2.0] 1:32 am: i really would want to be proved wrong
[jakev2.0] 1:32 am: but since you seem to be a fake, i am not wrong    Â
[opus10no2] 1:32 am: hahahahaha #$%^&*
[danny elfboy] 1:32 am: don’t get too frustrated virtuosic
[danny elfboy] 1:32 am: jake is like this
[danny elfboy] 1:32 am: you must learn his “language” and reach common grounds
[opus10no2] 1:32 am: danny, have you listened to the recordings?
[jakev2.0] 1:33 am: virtuosic
[danny elfboy] 1:33 am: I’m trying … my connection is very slow
[jakev2.0] 1:33 am: this crap is clearly midi
[jakev2.0] 1:33 am: im so sorry
[jakev2.0] 1:33 am: you are not fooling me
[virtuosic1] 1:33 am: Email Habermann. Write, "say listen, Do you know this Tristano
disciple from the Nassua CC practice rooms? You were both on the same concert
program at Hofstra. How would you classify his technical ability? See what he says, if
you dare.
[jakev2.0] 1:33 am: WHATS HIS NAME?
[jakev2.0] 1:33 am: whats his FULL NAME?
[jakev2.0] 1:33 am: and for all i know, you may not be giving me your name
[danny elfboy] 1:33 am: virtuosic1 seems to smart to really believe that he could pass a
midi for real recording at the piano
[jakev2.0] 1:33 am: quit wasting my time
[virtuosic1] 1:33 am: Michael Habermann, Sorabji scholar and pianist
[opus10no2] 1:33 am: the thing is, if these recordings are real, you have the greatest
mechanical ability ever recorded by any pianist
[jakev2.0] 1:34 am: hahaha he’s a farud
[jakev2.0] 1:34 am: fraud
[jakev2.0] 1:34 am: a common fraud
[virtuosic1] 1:34 am: Midi??? You didn’t hear an ACOUSTIC PIANO? You really can’t
tell, can you?
[jakev2.0] 1:34 am: his scam is as preposterous as me posting a video of berezovsky
[jakev2.0] 1:34 am: and claiming it is me
[virtuosic1] 1:34 am: Your age explains this
[jakev2.0] 1:34 am: you use awfully little rubato for a jazz musician
[jakev2.0] 1:34 am: and play 100% in time, all the time
[jakev2.0] 1:35 am: in other words, you use 0 rubato
[virtuosic1] 1:35 am: You’re a child pretending to be a man
[jakev2.0] 1:35 am: and your runs are perfectly even
[jakev2.0] 1:35 am: and your playing is boring
[jakev2.0] 1:35 am: in other words, you are not fooling me    Â
[danny elfboy] 1:35 am: you seem too sure of what you cannot prove … remind me of a
lynxed guy that suggested the heart moves
[jakev2.0] 1:36 am: if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck…
[virtuosic1] 1:36 am: Czerny is meant to be played precisely
[danny elfboy] 1:36 am: *earth
[virtuosic1] 1:36 am: CzernySOV’s are MEANT to be played precisely
[jakev2.0] 1:36 am: how come your jazz is devoid of any rhythmic deviations?
[virtuosic1] 1:36 am: Are you aware of that?
[jakev2.0] 1:36 am: either you are a liar or a terriible musician
[jakev2.0] 1:36 am: pick
[beethoven2] 1:36 am: it is a duck    Â
[jakev2.0] 1:36 am: very good    Â
[danny elfboy] 1:36 am: cerny is meant not to be played    Â
[jakev2.0] 1:36 am: so, is virtuosic1 a liar or a terrible musican!!
[jakev2.0] 1:36 am: which will it be!
[virtuosic1] 1:37 am: Rhythmic deviations? WTF are you talking about? You talk like an
idiot. You’re a musician?
[jakev2.0] 1:37 am: his jazz sounds about as alive as abraham lincoln
[virtuosic1] 1:37 am: Where are you located?
[danny elfboy] 1:37 am: someone said the same of Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky,
Bartok, Rachmaninov …
[jakev2.0] 1:37 am: listen…every piece contains rubato
[jakev2.0] 1:37 am: you know why?
[opus10no2] 1:37 am: hahaha i vil actually defend da jake n zay dat
[opus10no2] 1:37 am: tru, hez a tru muzician    Â
[jakev2.0] 1:37 am: because it is impossible for anyone to play strictly in time, ALL the
[virtuosic1] 1:38 am: Really?
[jakev2.0] 1:38 am: yes!
[virtuosic1] 1:38 am: Maybe for you
[jakev2.0] 1:38 am: even people with virtually perfect rhythmic control (gould, hofmann)
[jakev2.0] 1:38 am: they used SOME rubato
[jakev2.0] 1:38 am: at SOME places
[danny elfboy] 1:38 am: if that would be a tribunal … I would ask for evidence mr judge …
[jakev2.0] 1:38 am: and your playing sounds totally artificial
[jakev2.0] 1:38 am: anyway
[jakev2.0] 1:38 am: you could shut me up very easily
[virtuosic1] 1:38 am: I do, sometimes
[jakev2.0] 1:39 am: by posting a video or something that sounds real
[virtuosic1] 1:39 am: Sure I could. Where are you? Let’s get together
[jakev2.0] 1:39 am: you’re just a big phony
[virtuosic1] 1:39 am: You in NY?
[jakev2.0] 1:39 am: thanks for the chat    Â
[virtuosic1] 1:39 am: No answer right?
[virtuosic1] 1:39 am: Your’e full of S**t.
[danny elfboy] 1:39 am: he is in klondike
[jakev2.0] 1:39 am: hahahahaha
[jakev2.0] 1:40 am: what would you do for a klondike bar viruosic1?
[jakev2.0] 1:40 am: peddle your fraud elsewhere
[virtuosic1] 1:40 am: How about getting together. You play something, then I’ll play
EXACTLY what you play in any key you choose.
[jakev2.0] 1:40 am: we’re intellegent people
[jakev2.0] 1:40 am: bye
[virtuosic1] 1:40 am: Not really
[virtuosic1] 1:40 am: Bye, @hole
[jakev2.1] 1:40 am: virtuosic1 is my new pf hero
[virtuosic1] 1:41 am: Don’t want to get together? QWouldn’t that prove my point?
[virtuosic1] 1:41 am: You want proof. Let’s get together. You and I in the same room
with a piano. Ignoring my challenge?
[jakev2.1] 1:41 am: he is probably not that desperate
[virtuosic1] 1:42 am: Yeah. Ignoring it is safe for your sense of superiority.
[danny elfboy] 1:42 am: I suggest many people here to check their arteries … they start
to sound a bit sclerotic … in an old bitter man who smoke the pipe way
[The Lounge]: jakev2.0 has left at 1:42 am
[virtuosic1] 1:42 am: Jake ran when I suggested giving him the proof he’s gargling for.
[danny elfboy] 1:42 am: poor virtuosic    Â
[virtuosic1] 1:42 am: Yeah. Poor me.
[jakev2.1] 1:43 am: what do you play virtuosic1?
[virtuosic1] 1:43 am: Like I care about the ramblings of a 19 year old frustrated pianist
[danny elfboy] 1:43 am: jealousy is a bastard thing isn’t it?
[virtuosic1] 1:43 am: Let’s get together and we’ll see. Whatever you wish to hear. bring
[danny elfboy] 1:43 am: 19? he sounded 70 …
[virtuosic1] 1:43 am: I’ll sight read whatever you wish to bring. What more proof than
that, child.?
[The Lounge]: beethoven2 has left at 1:44 am
[danny elfboy] 1:44 am: uhmm
[danny elfboy] 1:44 am: what if I provide a technical fast piece?
[jakev2.1] 1:44 am: how old are you?
[danny elfboy] 1:44 am: which would be very original
[The Lounge]: beethoven2 has entered at 1:44 am
[virtuosic1] 1:44 am: He wants proof positive. I’m willing to give it to him IN PERSON. I
offer to play whatever he does first in whatever key he stipulates and he runs.
[danny elfboy] 1:44 am: becuse it’s only published in my area
[danny elfboy] 1:45 am: he is in canada . how can you meet?
[virtuosic1] 1:45 am: I didn’t know that. I thought he was in NY
     [imbetterthenyou] 1:45 am: im bored
[danny elfboy] 1:45 am: no
[virtuosic1] 1:45 am: Still, if he wants proof. he’s welcome to get it in person
[beethoven2] 1:45 am: send a letter
[beethoven2] 1:46 am: ibty.
[beethoven2] 1:46 am: Â Â Â Â
     [imbetterthenyou] 1:46 am: to whom
[jakev2.1] 1:46 am: geeze virtuosic1, you pretty much ignored all my question
[virtuosic1] 1:47 am: Which questions
[virtuosic1] 1:47 am: Your’e too busy ducking and weaving
[virtuosic1] 1:47 am: and grasping at straws, like any child
[danny elfboy] 1:47 am: jakev2.1 is not jake
[danny elfboy] 1:48 am: the original version just reach version 2.0
[danny elfboy] 1:48 am: 2.1 is still a beta which doesn’t work and need further tweaking
[danny elfboy] 1:48 am: just so you know
[virtuosic1] 1:49 am: Grow a set of testicles, meet up with me, play your best technical
piece and I will duplicate it in any key you state. Simple enough, isn’t it?
[jakev2.1] 1:49 am: questions were how old are you, and what do you play
[danny elfboy] 1:49 am: don’t be ageist virtuosic1 Â Â Â Â Â
[virtuosic1] 1:49 am: On the spot
[The Lounge]: Mozartian has entered at 1:49 am
[jakev2.1] 1:49 am: what the heck virtuosic1?? i am NOT jake
[beethoven2] 1:49 am: hey moz
[danny elfboy] 1:49 am: sarah !!
[Mozartian] 1:49 am: wow ok hi fake jake
[Mozartian] 1:50 am: hi danny!
[virtuosic1] 1:50 am: 53, jazz, funk, R&B professionally
[danny elfboy] 1:50 am: it’s jake beta version
[Mozartian] 1:50 am: its jake ala lau
[virtuosic1] 1:50 am: They’re all annoying. All the Jakes
[Mozartian] 1:50 am: HAHA
[jakev2.1] 1:50 am: how the freak am i annoying you? all i did was ask 2 questions
[Mozartian] 1:50 am: you would say that
     [imbetterthenyou] 1:50 am: mozartian hi didnt notice you
[Mozartian] 1:50 am: by not being banned
[virtuosic1] 1:51 am: Personally, I’d round up all the Jakes for extinction
[Mozartian] 1:51 am: hi ibty
[Mozartian] 1:51 am: hahahahahaha
[virtuosic1] 1:51 am: Everybody named Jake into the “camp”