tru, if u cud get together IRL wiff 6 membahz from da sdc…who wud dey be?

mine r:

da ramrod
da kritty
da Anima
da trumofo
and da Catz

no dizrezpec for da mofoz u chose, but u cluelezz mofo mizzed out founding fathaz of sdc and otha key membahz important to da evolution of da zite

haha such as da comme, k-nar, and da zepp???

i heff nothing against dem and tiz site wud not exist wiffout dem, but we randomly never talk to each oda online, so i rly dun know deze fuckahz, tru…

rezpec fo dem anywayz…


da trumofo will heff to go…da WEED takes his place by about a MILLIONGAZZILIONTRILION times…


da TONY dizzez da RAMROD

u wuz in yo momaz puzz when i joined da SDC

zo i zuggezt u go up dere again


tiz tru, da ramrod is a legend!

yo fuckaz fink dat da RAMROD left da sdc to join da zlow world

tiz wrong

DA ROD iz alwayz a supportah of da SDC

i wuz workin on ma tech, studiez and rep, dat iz why i wuz gone

and juzt becauze i want to remain a myztery by not pozting any recz, dun fink dati can play da 88

hiff i want i can own yo azzez any day

zo ztop FUCKIN dizrezpectin da ROD


da rod unleashez da FURYRYRYYRYRRYYYYY on dat pozt tru!!!

u undereztimate mah legendarinezz, and if u read mah pozt carefully, u vill zee dat i haffnej’t dizzed u

da ROD nevah undaeztimatez anyone

even da flaccid mofoz who jerk off uzing tweezaz

tiz juz be a mezzage to any mofo who wantz do dizz da ROD

i will zhake yo foundationz


I think i wud lyk to meet da iopa.

correctly 8)

i know da Mrs Kaykov pretty well

so do I…

read dat again, and den check my name to fully understand my gensui pozt…


milfy, come to da doc concert on nov 18 in san francisco. there will be quite a bit of sdc’ers there. perhaps we can get a group photo with da doc, haha.

hahahahaaaa i WISH!!!

im in UNI, and i doubt i cud miss classes for dat, tho ill think about it and ill try to make my parent’s mind…

how much is da ticketz???

and how many of u mofos r going?

we shud all wear da sdc shirt…

tickets are like $70 for decent seats. im gonna miss school if i have to. i dont give a fuck about it. i know catz is gonna go, i might go, and possibly vladhorwz. who else?

like i zaid previously i juz MIGHT fly acroozz tha cuntry fo thiz :doc:

hahaha howevah tha new Kancerto rec cummah

if i kan fin out tha firzt perf of THAT befohand, i vil save my cazh fo that