
Anything but da dongah plz :dong:

I’d like to request Pogo

daim rezpec
finally wortwhile subjectz to draw instead of dumbazz celebrities

Whoa this one’s awesome:
Have you done :doc: ?

aww cmon we all wanna ze da dong :dong:

alzo i wanna zee: yundi, ziff, blech :slight_smile:

ahhhh fuck, maybe a 15 minutes doodle would be okay for da :dong:

ok tiz is my priority scale:

blech, yundi and da dongah might come later… when I have more spare time :dong:

Ja, she’s amazing. You can really see the texture of the skin, clothes and hair (makes her drawings look like REAL photos), I really don’t get how she did that. :whale:

ahahhhaa man tha grandconcerto bazically tha greatezt nu membah of all tym

pozz? :gav:

Tru I’ve always been a great fan of her work, her drawings are unbelievable. I love her Goulds as well.

Great work here man, must be fun to hear people request everyone as if it only takes 10 min to draw someone

And I love the watercolor ones

Yeah. Love you guys :whale:

Da :ziff: is going to be a bit difficult. Least I can improve or something.

i think u can draw da dongah undah one condition

either wif hiz head on a ztake or he iz zucking on Barenboim’z dick

and i iz zure u can make either thoze artiztic


nvm the hints of green

rezpec! very interesting face as you draw him

What a bad ass motherfucker Alkan must have been 8) Great drawing!

wow, rezpec for all these artistically drawn goodies. cant wait to see da doc later on!

yeah, pre- or post- glasses/facial hair?!

come on is there any other choice? pre-facial hair is definitely the best look for him. his new look with no glasses and facial hair is just awful. i even told him that last time i saw him!

def with Glasses. If you can’t see the eyes because of glasses reflection, even better :-p

the best option is with glasses but without facial hair

Yeah, da Supahvirtuozo documentary :doc: iz da bezt.

sure, he looks older now (i suppose he is!), but I think he looks better, more relaxed… especially since he has lost weight…
I can’t believe I’m talking about this as though it matters! Seems as though even classical music can’t escape the “celeb-gossip” culture.
I’ll shut up now. I think that’s best… any drawing would be a fantastic tribute, grandconcerto. I know nothing about art, but really appreciate these pictures you’ve done.