bad news about Marta Argerich (don't look lee....)

Well the rumors about Marta Argerich having lung cancer have been confirmed.


it has been rumored for a lot of years (more than 10) that she has cancer.

confimed a long time ago

she already had surgery or some operation or sumthin

haha i waz randomly uninformed.

she had the surgery done like 15 years ago or something
they said that’s one of the reason she doesn’t play solo anymore.


doesn’t matter

da Orgy has faith in da DONGAH!!!

da holy :dong:


Mr. DoBall


FUCKKKKKKK dat middle guy is what sex between da ORGY and a gorilla wud make.

it’s da black widow’s fault cuz she smoked 2 many joints :open_mouth:

tiz obviouz