Replay of some stuff he do earlier in this 1958 program guide. Unless they book his ghost.
Hmmmm I don’t think he had da meph 1 in his rep. Weird!
Feels like a mislabel of valse oubliee and just a commercial record jam.
Pozz da tenor unexpectedly unleazhed da meth
I wonder what barere methfister arps be like… woh
Lube gets stuck there and keeps repeating da arpz for about 20 mins
Pozz Lola level
Could you imagine his career if he was a hot chick? Dude shoulda transed.
Yeah. Knocked up early on and raised family
I can play those arpz at least as fast as without prax. I won’t miss any notes either (hopefully)
Not doing da fucking mini caddy after them with zero prax tho.
Barere play them gliss speed and then quickly drop to practice tempo on chords and octs.
I’ll challenge lola to a speed contest. Winner fucks the loser. Seems fair.
Bar sounds like he actually could probably master all da other techs to an equal extent
If he prax
Twist, he was a honey boy for his time when his looks hit harder and supported himself “taxi dancing”
His looks always hit cause bald is sexy n chicks appreciate fast fingers
I could see it. Iturbi was apparently slaying puss and look like some guy at a bus stop now.
Now to be good looking you have to look like you were born premature.
Hollywood programming is basically…. Hot dude = a convict OR some FTM jailbait cuck
Yeah I think this just a playback of his HMV commercial recs