best piano poll VOTE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what is da best piano?

  • Steinway&Sons (German)
  • Steinway&Sons (American)
  • Weber
  • Bluthner
  • C.Bechstein
  • Yamaha
  • Gaveau
  • Pleyel
  • Fazioli
  • Kawai
  • Bosendorfer

0 voters

what is da best piano?

i dunno, haff crappy acou and roland digi :frowning:

hahaha I haff only played on yamaha. Mine iz a not-even-full-sized upright dat I got when I was 4.

Bossendorker. Dis mofo has a digi though.

haha. i lyk yamaha. i have a six foot grand. it hazzzz gooodddd basssssss notes, and It has screaming tops. i love it, i love it bettah dan da Steinway.

Moi haz extensively played all 4 famous brand
Steinway(NY, Hamburg)

among all of those, da NY Steinway has most diveresed quality (either very crappy or brilliant)

da Fazioli is averagely the best, and it sings with u.

Da bosendorfer needs extensive care to stay at the top, and when it is the top shape, it’s comparable to da Faz.

Da Ham Steinway is probably the most averagely awesome piano, doesnt’ take as much care, the sound and volume are perfect. And da best thing that stood out is, it works da best with orchestra.

da Fazioli

haff 2 steiway D’s, one hamburg one NY. a bosendorfer 290, a yamahas C3, C7 and CFIIIS, a ferrari F430, three porsche 911’s from various years, and a vintage corvette from '75.

still sumthin’s missin though…

i voted for Fazioli because it gave me 1st stunning impression.

2 dolla ho

i cant vote but if i did i’d vote for Weber…cuz randomly i ve nevah playd one.


ive neva played a steinway

sheeyat, my fave axe the kraut stienway is sekond! She will pull ahead I know! Bosendorker haz no FUUUURRRYYY! :angry: Cept for one I played, but it wuz on a tile floor…Fazioli is krap, 'nuff sed tho sum u mofo’s not agreee

Shigeru Kawai iz good beautuffuulll piece 'o piano! fine tone, cud projekt more

U missed 1!!! Any U mofo’s dig the Sauter? un fukinbelievable!!!(serious now) Big fat tone with a thick body around it, yet ethereal and wispy for those ppp’s… sheeyat I sound like a wine commercial or bad porn!!
Has a nice heavy Renner action (I think) so when u drive the accelerated action power steering Steinway or Yamaha sheeyat U is ready, 'bro!!!
Chek her out if u haven’t!!!

dayum dat sauter soundz gud
n i have to agree da bosendorfer iz a bit sheeyat :comme:

da Bosie girth extension has some random CG potential

yamaha dig r nice

tiz da kawai 8)


hamby stein :doc:

i guess cos i been brought up on diet of yamaHA i like yamaha. The touch is satisfying, light and has a bright tone.

Steinways, when you want more powerful music.