can someone explain to me da TO tech?

i rly have no idea how TO is done…anybody explain?

put da thump ovah da index fingah n flap da otha fingahz wildly :stop:

wtf…dat makes no sense…

da nerd once again totally useless…wut a douche…

can someone explain to me and possibly post a vid of it?

possibly da trumofo, since he has constant access to posting vids online…


thumb over is just a shitty name

just move your hand to the next position instead of putting your thumb under and then moving your hand over it.

if you’re playing a CEG CEG CEG etc arpeggio, just play C, E ,G, then move your hand the next octave and play it again. don’t stick your third finger to the g, just let go and change to the next octave. if you do it fast neough it’ll sound legato… “fake legato” but it will sound like it

fuck i don’t feel like explaining this detailed right now

lol thanx

uselezz? noo, tiz good ekskerzaiz, trlu 2)% :pimp: :stop:

dun forget da rotation. juzt search 88street for about 50 topicz on diz.

u need to ztop inzultin mofos


akzeptd :doc: :stop:

haha damn the rezpec lately in da sdc :lib:

hahahahah man da MILF yo memory iz juz a bit…

da fuckin NERD -a mofo wiz a 3min ONDINE attachd to hiz name, wuz one of da firzt tru legendz dat pazzd da SDC auditionz in da hiztoric ‘SDC recruitin nu membahz’ thread

:ziff: :ziff:

u didn’t get da fanaticalpenizt TO demo from CF? 8)

hahah fuckkk
da @nerd an early inventah of da :hand::fish:

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truuuu where iz diz fuckin LEGEND :sunglasses:

da SDC zhud zponzah da ZHREDDAH to undahtake a propah mizzin-mofo inveztigation :lib:

da zepp vil cuntribuzheeyat $30, zo da ZHREDDAH can enjoy a gud zteak dinnah while chillin on da job in hellztinky :sunglasses:


Hahaha dayummmmm