play dis wit FUUUUUUUUUUUURY and u will see how fuckin wikid it truly iz
turn dis mofo from a lil butterflt to a HUGE MOTHRAHAHAHHHHHHHH
Da Nutsack iz actually wikid in dis
dat is da irony
he realises dat - out of all da ets - he must inject da most work into dis
i like buttaflies
I can play this piece in 3 minutes with 30% accuracy.
how do you do that
i am so impressed
btw i think it is gonna sound [color=yellow][size=200]funny[/size] if it is being played with fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuury
profoundly hilarious, and wikid
i did it in gav speed
haha, respec
its actually not dat hard to play at dat tempo
dis is due to da fact dat most pros dont treat dis as SD rep
when it IS SD REP
dis iz due to da name… dat iz a bit gay
hahahahahaha yep
da chop’s biatch george probably named it
who holds the SD title for 25/9 ?
i remembah da MT iz sub '50
let me rephrase dat -
Da Chairman Of Da SDC
respec moi
He is able to turn a butterfly into a cicida.