Chopin Concerto 1 or 2?

I am slowly leaning towards No.1. Da 1st mvt. in particular is wikid.

But for a long while I liked No.2 much more, and da Grand Polonaise. I guess with a lot of people u listen to one until u get zick of it, then u listen to da other and like it more until u get zick of it, repeat ad nauseum.


btw, in jim carrey’s truman show
dey uzed da 2nd mvt ov da 1zt conc

truly amazing choice fo da zcene

heh…I saw that movie before I even listened to piano music.

I’m warming up to both of the concertos as long as they are played in an un-sentimental way. I find it very easy to be sickened by them. That said, I prefer E min, but I don’t mind a cut of the opening orchestral exposition.

woofah, wait until you hear thhe Neuhaus Chopin 1… I believe that’s why I never listen to Chopin 2 - with a rec that good, there’s just no reason to.

tru, looking forward to that rec.

I equally like both of them, really.

They’re both absolutely exquisite, and are two of my absolute favourite concerti. If I had to choose between them, I’d choose the E Minor, but I’d only say that with absolutely no detrimental implications towards the F Minor.

Gilels on the 2nd movement of the first with Ormandy (either live or studio) is some of the most magical playing I’ve ever heard.


ahahahah zimply put

da 1 iz core, da 2 iz not

n da core iz juz:

rocky2, 3, 5
prick2, 3


where iz da BARTIKTOK 2? and da BRA 2?

For me it’s almost always no. 1. But I love the last mvmt of the 2nd, particularly the middle section

ahahaha dey iz gud n cud be found on anotha lizt:


:doc: : "da BUZ iz core 8) "