chriz - faztezt prick 8 finale - re: tru _hahah iiwii

tru u poztd a prikc 7n 8 faztezt finalez a while ago (tha 7th pozzibly now beatn by tha legendary KAT rec)

tru who wuz playin tha prick 8?

alzo tru how iz tha otha mvtz?

rezp[ec :rectum:


ahahahahha tha comme evoluzheeyat


juz dun look az wikid az ee-wee tho

but tru thiz prick 8 dou haff it? :comme:

That was probably the Matti Raekallio recording. He plays the last mvmts as fast as he can. And no, we’re still not sure why.

his pimp pagz is wikid.

dammit ive been looking for raekallio’s paganini CD for a longass time. please upload?

hahaha daim thiz ring a zheeyat in mah head lyk thiz mofo iz an inzane :pimp: interpretah

tru i haff a rectumn prick 8 u uul/ed (or pozz from tha CHUB zite) n alzo a gav n a CIGAR interp

i wud be intereztd in hearin tha 1zt n 2nd mvtz of tha RAKE prick8

but if they iz juz not deep n ironically retrozheeyative than fuck it