comp w/ fury

i wrote a comp for electric guitar as an etude/study

its fast as shit sweeping…i cant play it!!!11 so all i have is pc-generated version and since guitar soundfonts suck i did it on a piano soundfont (which sounds arguably more bitchin :smiling_imp: )

ps: the only other comp on my account w/ any fury is perpetual motion…now THAt is for piano! eruption has fury 2, but i didnt write that (played it tho 8) )

ps #2: off topic, but my piano at home is in terrible condition (not even all the keys work and action is teh suck) and today i got to practice for 2 hrs and 20 min on a nice ass piano :smiling_imp: the longest i had played on a good piano before today was like 15 min…i was so fuckin psyched on this shit!! i busted out rev etude like DAAAAAAAAA dudududududud DA DA DAAAAAAAAA dudududuudud…etc.

hahahha, da accurate phonetic translation of da rev iz genius

respec man, post more and u will earn yoself a title and nickname

may da fury be wit u 8)