Concerto rep for the solitary pianist

For those of you who will never have the chance to play with an orchestra and still love the concerto repertoire, how do you reconcile the urge to work through some of the best music written for the instrument while having to deal with the tragedy of having the result of such work languishing in one’s hands and brain for the rest of times?

Ok, maybe that sounded a bit too dramatic. But… I have never had a chance to play with orchestra and likely never will. I have no friends who play piano to work on concertos with them. I have started to toy with the idea of doing some fancy video edit work with me myself doing both parts on a piano and superimposing them. Some concerti I guess are more amenable to that exercise than others but in any case, it may fun to try some stuff like that, I have seen some YouTube folks tackling concerti that way.

If folks here have opinions, reading them may make my afternoon more interesting.

I remember this being cool


Whoa, that’s really cool! A little bit more blowing than what I had in mind to go through, but really cool.

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Starts at 0:34. Problem solved.

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I’ve stopped learning concerti for that exact reason. All the classical solo rep that I learn winds up being issued commercially and I find that’s really stimulating for practice.

I don’t like the idea of doing a concerto on two pianos, gives “perpetual student” vibes (minus the rape, alas)

But I will fully learn the Liszt Maledickton, Hungarian-Armenian Kinky Fantasy and the 2nd Cuntcerto to flesh out my pimp rep, I know it WILL come in handy even if I have to rent the whole fuckin orch and drop $100k in savings to record those (not in USA though, that would cost far more for a project of that scope, given Union restrictions etc).

Maybe add in the Liszt-Busoni Spanish Rape and it’s basically a double-album.

That’s what money is for, or or or spend it on da Poontreon.

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Also it’s totally coloristically inadequate, no matter how good the performers.


it LOOKS like it’s an invitation for “hey, why is this not done with orchestra, this dude’s a noob”

unlike Poon or Dong.

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imagine making so many faces that the orchestra can’t even follow you?

yeah the arts are a mockery at this point. she looks great tho. That’s a rare payout even for those who bribe Kaplinksi in the millions, not everyone can be a Dong.

Then there’s also this stuff

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I had a pissed off Liszt Tot solo part only unleash which I deleted LMAO