da COMME lekchaz da TONY on tech - includin a quazi 10/2 maz



Stevie says:
chopetz are hardah man
ho ho beri-beri says:
i agree
Stevie says:
take mo dizcipline to perfect
ho ho beri-beri says:
liszt difficulty iz overrated
Stevie says:
da TEz iz hard sheeyayt
ho ho beri-beri says:
feux folletz pozzibly no more dififcult den 25-6
Stevie says:
no argument
Stevie says:
hahaha n da moz difficult chopet iz da 10/2
ho ho beri-beri says:
TE, you could add rubatoz and add m*sicality to covah yo shortcumingz
ho ho beri-beri says:
but chopet require RAW tech
Stevie says:
Stevie says:
n juz mo awkward
ho ho beri-beri says:
FUCKKK da bear rapage
ho ho beri-beri says:
fuckin genzui
Stevie says:
ahhaha fuck
Stevie says:
zum prime BEAR vidz iz needed
Stevie says:
haf u zeen diz mofo in action?
ho ho beri-beri says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
i only zaw picz’
ho ho beri-beri says:
da fuckin russian bear
ho ho beri-beri says:
muzt haff legendary ztage prezence
Stevie says:
Stevie says:
i haf hiz chop polo concert vid
ho ho beri-beri says:
tiz mofo pazzed away recently, eh?
Stevie says:
Stevie says:
hahaha but wut do u think of da 10/2
ho ho beri-beri says:
Stevie says:
i think diz iz da moz important edute eva written
ho ho beri-beri says:
i haven’t treid it zeriozuly
ho ho beri-beri says:
it duzn’t zeem dat bad
Stevie says:
ahahhaha tiz ezzenzial sheeyat
Stevie says:
learn diz
Stevie says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
foh me 25-6 zeemah da hardezt
ho ho beri-beri says:
fuckin awkward zhit
Stevie says:
n prax da 10/2 juz regulah
ho ho beri-beri says:
Stevie says:
hahaha da 25/6 iz zimply
Stevie says:
juz 3rdz
ho ho beri-beri says:
alink-argerich.org/pictures/ … _Photo=706
Stevie says:
n 3rdz, truly a hard tech to perfect tru
Stevie says:
but 10/2 iz hardah az a raw tech
ho ho beri-beri says:
Stevie says:
tiz hard to explain
Stevie says:
tiz lyk wutz harda
Stevie says:
10/1 arpz, o random prick 2 arpz
Stevie says:
10/1 peniztic, altho hard
Stevie says:
ahhaha da 10/2 demandz many hard hand pozizionz
Stevie says:
Stevie says:
da key difference
Stevie says:
iz 3rdz, u haf 2 zimultaniouz parallel motion notez
Stevie says:
diz zeemz hard, but da wrizt azziztz
Stevie says:
wiz da 10/2, da wrizt can only azzizt minimally, n only every 4 notez if at all
Stevie says:
zo tiz all up to da dex of yo weakezt fingaz
ho ho beri-beri says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
da analysis
ho ho beri-beri says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
i did try it
ho ho beri-beri says:
it didn’t zeem dififuclt at all
Stevie says:
ahhaha da zepp iz da biggez expert on da 10/2
Stevie says:
hahahaha tony
ho ho beri-beri says:
345 aren’t fuckin retarded
ho ho beri-beri says:
they iz capable of playing fuckin chromatic zcalez
Stevie says:
tru, but da difficulty iz obviouzly da zpeed
Stevie says:
tiz fo ova 1 minute
Stevie says:
of pure 345 dex
Stevie says:
in da 2nd half tiz valkly hard to maintain tempo wizout fuckin up n gettin lumpy
ho ho beri-beri says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
pozzibly vill try diz
Stevie says:
hahaha i recommend diz BECUZ
Stevie says:
da zimple fact iz
Stevie says:
da 10/2 vil improve yo 25/6
Stevie says:
Stevie says:
den yo 25/6 vil improve yo 10/2
ho ho beri-beri says:
ho ho beri-beri says:
Stevie says:
alot mo
Stevie says:
but actually
Stevie says:
if u play 25/6 wizout da correct tech, uzin a ztiff wrizt n ALL finga motionz
Stevie says:
den tiz pozzibly zimilah difficulty
Stevie says:
juz lyk tiz vally hard playin da 10/1 lyk tiz a BACH piece, wiz no wrizt movement
Stevie says:
but da fact iz
Stevie says:
wiz da 25/6 n 10/1, when u get da rite tech, u iz half way dere
Stevie says:
wiz da 10/2 u juz haf a whole nu mountain to climb,
ho ho beri-beri says:
Stevie says:
ahahahha i may pozt diz convo
ho ho beri-beri says:
if you could play da 88 az well az you can conceive it in yo head, you would fuckin be legenadry
Stevie says:
:stop: vil tell 8)


haha, fuck deze long convoz :whale: :stop:

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree completely with comme.


ur utube vidz agree too 8)


da MART brutality :wood:

maximum of 5 words, please, repeat da convo.

read the whole thing, it’s interesting :comme:

y, da comme actually shows some traits of intellect in it?

hahahah rezpec da :comme: , u remembah every sheeyat da zepp tell u a yr ago 8)

indeed :wink:

az i waz readin i waz actually randomly thinkin datz da :comme: had zomehow channeled da :zepp: zpirit thru zum wikid ritual zo he cud becummah a 10/2 exzpert

hilariouzly, while he waz lecturing, i waz barely liztening 8)

NOW let me read diz

haha that was obvious when i read it through 8)

25/6 iz hardah :chop: :ho: :whale: 8)

:rudy: :stop:

Randomly looks like Phil Helmuth.


HAHAHA DA Cumme teaching da tony and Koji randomly…

we discovered sum unusual “potential”,

Pace Koji, I would disagree with the contention that 10/2 with conceptually orthodox (albeit perhaps not precisely orthodox) fingering relies on pure 3-4-5 dexterity alone.

To illustrate, consider the first run.

First beat:

The first chord is in a hand position of its own. Then, the third finger rises above the fourth finger to land on the A#. The A#-B-C group may be executed with liberal assistance of arm leverage as it is a simple 3-4-5 sweep.

Second beat:

The first two semiquavers may very simply be executed with one single reverse tremolo motion (tremolo motion being defined as leading with the rotation bone of the wrist to sink the thumb side of the hand down, and reverse tremolo motion consequently being defined as lifting the rotation bone of the wrist to sink the 5th finger side of the hand down). I prefer to use a 5 for the D so as to enable the use of this very motion. For the next two notes of the beat (leading into the first note of the third beat) the arm may again liberally assist the 3-4-5 sweet notwithstanding the chord accompanying the 5, which commences the third beat.

Third beat:

This entire beat is executable using the reverse tremolo action and using arm leverage to facilitate the [125]353 motion (assuming one is prepared to substitute 5 for 4, again for this very reason). This is a case of lateral motion of the wrist instead of raw 3-4-5 dexterity. Naturally, the hand must be angled so that the fingers naturally point forward and outwards (rather than forwards and inwards) so as to enable the usage of a lateral motion whilst travelling up the keyboard.

Fourth beat:

In order to permit the continuation of the reverse tremolo motion, I again substitute 5 for 4 at the top of the chord of the first note. The A#-B-C which follows is again a straightforward 3-4-5 sweep which the arm can again assist.

Fifth beat:

The fingering I use for the first two notes is [123]5 - no prizes for guessing why. This is followed by another 3-4-5 sweep.

And that is the first upwards run.

I am not providing a guide on how to play the étude; rather, I am instead demonstrating that it is not categorically true that 10/2 must be played using sheer 3-4-5 dexterity alone. Intelligent usage of the arm and wrist can definitely, in my experience, play a large part in this étude. When played up to speed, the arm and wrist motions involved will likely be so small as to be imperceptible, but in execution at speed it is the momentum which makes the difference. Similar principles can be applied throughout the entire étude, including the B section, again using orthodox principles of fingering.

There is no one right way to play the étude, but in my experience, sheer 3-4-5 dexterity is not the only way.

the poker texas holdem mofo?

-da Meph