Da DOC :doc: vz. da HO :ho:


Based on his mildly commie twitter feed I feel is possible da doc in cahoots with

da zombie hugo chavez

Also possible zombie horowitz and zombie wanda hang out with zombie chavez and do chill zombie things strike up a friendship and rig the system.

one cannot be sure… hmmmm


Even da DOC haz twatter?

Yes its exactly as you’d think it would be.


Da :doc: clearly in sum kind of twattah relationsheeyat with Levit :ghey: :sunglasses:

Hmmm I heard him live twice. Underwhelming and flat. Mumbling playing with almost no projection in da hall. You can’t place dat alongside Mark Hamburg, sheeyat, n we comparing him with da :ho:

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Correct. I want my money back from his rectals with da Chopson 3, Ballade 3, Barcarolle, n underwhelming Haydn mumblah.
Sum of da commie schoolgirls at my Alma Mater play with more imagination n color.


y u go c da :doc: with diz rep ? :sunglasses:


Datz what da cuck played :dong:

I forgot a legendary Germ Roze dizz of da Doc “he can’t play one standard piece of rep”
I c

Da Germ jealous of da :doc: memory :sunglasses:

Ahahahaha da zepp zcientizt anzah diz queztion by aggregatin rezultz in 4 pozzible world ordahz

In joo dominated world ordah: DOC kinda top 30, HO #1

In brit-franco dominated world ordah: DOC top 5, HO top 50

In chyna dominated world ordah: DOC top 10, HO bordahlyn amacha

In Izlam zharia law dominated world ordah: DOC top 20, HO cant play da 88

zo in cuntcluzion, da DOC gensui ztand up to objective zcrutiny undah different world viewz, da HO not zo much :sunglasses:


Untru. Da top Central Conservatory :cn: mofos all obsessed with da :ho: , with an emphasis on da “retro” aspects of da Ho playing



Da LIUNATIC #1 on deir list

Ahahah az in

“zheeeyat a mofo who play lyk diz iz cuntzidahed da bezt penizt?? Lez inveztigate diz intereztin phenomenon” :sunglasses:


hahaha mostly dey try to emulate da more percussive aspects of da :ho: and also limit deir rep accordingly.


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Da Punani looks better as a dude.

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She/he/it really does.

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Then again, lots of chicks look better as dudes