Da Female Cumpozer Fad

Tru. As dere iz zo much hype about female cumpozerz lately, do you think these works actually deserve to belong up amongst the greats or make a refreshing change or juzt a uzelezz extenzion of da metoo?

  • Tru, dey are genzui zongz
  • Tru, zum are zheeyat but zum dong ztuff iz alzo zheeyat
  • Neh, feminaziz at it again

0 voters

Cumbination of da lattah two, except pozz a cumbo of feminazi pluz “selling point” :lola:

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once you get past about the 1930s the distinction becomes no longer interesting, some of the best living composers are female


Every great cumpozition wuz cumpozed by a great cumpoza :nigga:


Every great cumpoza wuz cumpozed by a woman :pregnant_woman: :dong:

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wut ? :sunglasses:


tiz women’s hiztory month. can’t turn on da radio wizout hearing cheryl frances hoad and such sheeyat.

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da mizzin option :tm:

  • female compozah are MTF mofoz

0 voters

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Which cumpozahz are we talkin about zpecifically? Any woman or livin onez?

Cuz zum1 like Lili Boulanger totally dezervez widah recognizheeyat. Amazing muzic.

Amy Beach pretty good

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Tru, da Boulanger and Von Bingan deservedly rezpected.
I keep hearing zheeyat on da radio of random 18-19 century cumposerz. And ABC is flooded with Kats Chernin who is lame pop ztyle drivel. She was voted 19th in greatest 100 cumpozerz audience poll… :dong:

Florence Price alzo in da newz. But is it coz she’s da firzt afro American female to have her zheeyat performed? Or becuz it’s good zheeyat? Da symphony zounded ok…as an azide curiozity.

Would you mofoz zay theres anything by da female ZHOE that can match da ZHOE’s best works? The cuncerto probably da most popular work but da work of a teen mofette…

Wendy Carlos clearly most talented female arranger composer.

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Da tron!

A bit of genzui…in da USA at leazt diz year we had national women’s day on da day light savingz

Da shortest day of da year :dong:



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hahahaha thiz genzui iz a fav zinc i heard it in tha netflix zhow DARK

tru build up ztartz at about 1’30 climax cummah around 4 minutz wher tha zingahz juz randomly ztart namin tha diffrnt flowrz :sunglasses:

tru i haff probbaly poztd thiz befo :mrgreen:


Da fuckin ROBBAH outta NOWHERE!

Makin me feel a bit zoooooft no lezz

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Hahahaha diz weathah makes me think of da 30zecz or so we evahh got of da robbah Rocky 1