da firzt evah SDC REC project

we haff chozen da NORz national zong az da zubject of diz legendary undahtakin:

da Jeffzki MOFOz UNITED varz

da sheetz:

every MOFO muz learn n rec at leazt 1 SD VAR. da rec quality wont mattah az diz vil add to da cg when da full rec iz put togethah :doc:

da zl*w/moizt varz iz identified az
da intro, 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 25, 28, n 29

u iz free to rec deze if u iz not on da MOFOz zhortlizt. If u iz a MOFO u can alzo rec deze aftah u rec a SD var, or if u think u haff da requizite cg. Note all whiztle/cry/random zhout markinz muz be followed religiouzly. howevah, da verbal content vil be open to interp

da improv caddy iz open to everyone. in da end a compilation vil be made from da bezt attemptz :comme:

da mofoz zhortlizt:

da NOR
da m*zicdarkmofo alzo tru

NB: ztate which varz u iz gonna do zo we dun haff ovahlapze. da GREG haff already taken da #14 :brotha:

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fo now da zepp pick da #2, but vil do mo fo zhor

random predicktable note:

da :lib: iz banned from diz project az he vil juz ziteread da whole sheeyat

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I vil take da 32
n pozzibly in zl*w var da 28 :rectum:

da zepp vil randomly do 2 n 17

14, 20, 26

hahahaha n one more sheeyat:

when u rec obzerve where yo var ztartz (uzually not da bar lyn). remembah moz of deze varz include da random tail from da previouz var


hhaa i feel randomly honored

i vil do a caddy and maybe final theme and var 30

ahhaha da comme doez da theme

i vil attempt tha 16th n 18th varz. pozzibly :whale:

AHAHAHAHAHAH rob in yo chozen var dere iz a part marked:

‘zl*w down if necezzary’

i truzt u to defy diz 8)

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:rectum: 8)

fuck thiz iz a bit hard :ho:

ahaha thiz lizt shud include tha known sd mofoz “alundra2k n vlahorwz” alzo tru :whale:

hahaha i will attempt/own numbah 19 :doc:

hahah u fockah, i haff already picked da 28 befo u
EDIT: hahah fuck, u can haff da 28, i vill do da numbah 5

pluz i am a non-mofo, hence get priority on da zlow varz 8)
i am too interezted in da jazzy numbah 13, actually i think i might even learn that one firzt

hahah fuk, whu will volunteer deir azz fo da var 23 “az fazt az pozzible”

pozzibly da :lib: ??

:lib: haz already been dizzallowed

iz dere actually any evidenz dat :lib: iz bettah zightreadah den :doc: ?

i will try to learn 31

but if someone else really wants diz i’ll pass n choose zlow var 8)

hahaha da zepp iz tempted by da 23 :stop: hoevah i realize tiz zhud be rezerved fo da moz HARDCORE among uz (i nominate eithah :tm: or da nerd).

but whoevah attempt diz muzt keep in mind:

:doc: 22secz

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i will use da midi tech.

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