Da FRED Ravel Bolero Tranz CG

A low-profile Dutch pianist Fred Oldenburg made his own brilliant transcription of the Ravel Bolero for two hands, using a pack of cigarette paper to create a percussive effect on da G

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damn! fred summoning such power it blew his wig back

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Dis da official rec, more perfect, bettah sound but annoying camera work n not complete

Rezpec hiz bald mullet!



but prakdickally zpeakin

diz clazzik one tune repeated ad infinizheeyat zong can’t really zurvive a 10min+ tranz lyk diz :sunglasses:

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Tru, diz need a giant CUT :ho:

ahahahaha 3min wud be da ideal length fo diz zong :sunglasses:

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I think the long build-up wuz well done, also by making texture in da 88 more & more thick…I enjoyed it…prob CD verzion wuld zound bettah so that you have more dynamic range/cuntrasts…

ahahahah TRU tiz a gud tranz fo zhor

but az tranzcribin mofoz da temptation iz alwayz to create a LONG N EPIC ZHEEYAT regardlezz of da quality of material or audience attention zpan :sunglasses:

da zepp alzo zuffah from diz, az can be zeen in diz zemi-WIBI ztylee tranz from zum yrz ago:

if i rez-erect diz mofo today, i wud firzt recognize da fact dat dere iz only enuff material here fo a 2min moizt prelude + 5min march, n ztay wizin deze tym limitz

pozz by playin faztah :sunglasses:


Datz rite, to CIRCUMSIZE dat genzui compo would be unlegendary

Diz 200x bettah den da Trugod Pornstar Wars tranz on DG

ahahahah diz zumwut wikid in partz but ztill a bloated zheeyat

da zepp made diz cuz he truly loved da Gladiator zoundtrack n alzo da clazzik WIBI tranz, zo twuz a tru pazzion project at da tym

da WUNDAH pozz juz wrote hiz zheeyat on commizzion n a 3-dayz to rec deadlyn :sunglasses:

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Did da zepp write any of it out?

ahahahah tru, in da form of NOTEZ

dat zay:

here LH octz fo battle theme, RH fo chrom theme

here RH zpazz openah theme in triplet rhythm

here LH crozzovah in triplet rhythm, chrom theme if u can hit it, if not juz aim fo 3 black keyz includin Eb

here alt hand rape in da ztylee of da BOMBAH 2nd half climax

zum arpz in G minah, 4 octz if entry zpeed iz zl*w, 3 octz if too fazt

here rezt fo a bit, maybe play da openah tune to move into da next key

etc :sunglasses:



DATZ a highly advanced form of notation, mofo!

Da impro planz truuu

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tru bazically da ztandard impro-parazheeyat notation :sunglasses:

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3:16 in dat trans damnnnn diz full on prick harmondick styleee

If you write all dat out it will look like a bigger brainfuck den de Prick 2 caddy

haha da random orgasm shake at da end.
Tru, he does control it well. Still can’t escape da monotony without da orchestration though.

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ahahahah da PRICK writin ztylee anticipatin da auto-notate progz of da digital age :sunglasses:

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Hahaha da legendary fact dat da ZEPP name iz da adverb wiz da literal meaning

‘At what time’ :timer_clock:

Diz pozzibly tie into da wikid origin ztory ov da :zenzei:

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tru, bettah den da EXTREMOFO quazi-homelezz-but-can-ztill-afford-a-zteinway ztory :sunglasses: