So after working on da ‘spring’ sonata, I came to realise dat da fmaj scale is one of the most uncomfortable scales to play and play evenly at dat! The bloody Bb lifts your 4th finger and then your thumb slams down on da C!
Just my bitch for the day…
Prax lydian phrygian aeolian, minor mel minor harm minor aug octatonic chromatic octaves thirds fourths seconds 5ths 6th 7ths 9ths 10ths 14ths majah and den de hungarian minahs and CG scales tru.
lol what? that’s like the easiest of them all, together with b major. the more black keys, the more comfortable. just turn your hand in the right direction, makes it SO easy…
hilariously, I haff started prax deze badboyz 1 hour a day in an attempt to improve mah shaky tech. Randomly tiz working, hopefully vill develop diz to :duch: level and then on to 120 for 8, tho tiz an unlikely sheeyat to hactually happen. Da C maj iz a bitch, I cannot get diz thumb over bullshit to work :bernhard:[/img]
I is just starting to develop da ‘thumb over’ although I tink dat’s a mis leading term as it’s physically impossible and tis working good! I can play a Bmaj scale (I know it’s da easiest, but I could play it properly)- twas revolutionary!
It’s all to do with keeping the arm level on the crossover me thinks.