da taniwha says:
hahahah n DIZ iz da sheeyat u claim iz UNBEATABLE in tym n evenenzz n articulation n clarity n m*zicality n wutevah?
Jake says:
Jake says:
and i think if you tried to play it
Jake says:
it would be a complete mess
den aftah readin da zcore, da jake harzhly realizez da only SD part of diz moizt piece iz an AFAP RUN which da playz at a harzh 8npz.
zo naturally every effort muz be made to ztop da zepp from attemptin diz
da taniwha says:
y iz u afraid of moi attemptin da BWV 926?
Jake says:
im not at all
Jake says:
i can’t find teh sheets for that
Jake says:
i found you the sheets for an alternative
Jake says:
play the last sinfonia
Jake says:
30% as well as gould
Jake says:
and you will have my respect
Jake says: sheetmusicarchive.net/compos … part15.pdf
Jake says:
there you go!
if u liztened to da rec u vil notice da TONE iz not da only sheeyat datz uneven in hiz runz. but den tiz ovah 5npz zo u iz not expected to hear sheeyat anyway
WRONG. i’ve proved i can zorta ziteread a sheeyat u believe wud take 4 monthz to learn to only 30% level.
hahaha i iz zorry, but 20minz iz already plenty of zpent on a piece DIZ SHEEYAT
da can keep hiz record becuz da zepp iz a nice mofo