da JAKE million dollah challenge

originally da BACH BWV 926

da taniwha says:
hahahah n DIZ iz da sheeyat u claim iz UNBEATABLE in tym n evenenzz n articulation n clarity n m*zicality n wutevah?
Jake says:
Jake says:
and i think if you tried to play it
Jake says:
it would be a complete mess

den aftah readin da zcore, da jake harzhly realizez da only SD part of diz moizt piece iz an AFAP RUN which da :g: playz at a harzh 8npz.

zo naturally every effort muz be made to ztop da zepp from attemptin diz 8)

da taniwha says:
y iz u afraid of moi attemptin da BWV 926?
Jake says:
im not at all
Jake says:
i can’t find teh sheets for that
Jake says:
i found you the sheets for an alternative

Jake says:
play the last sinfonia
Jake says:
30% as well as gould
Jake says:
and you will have my respect
Jake says:
sheetmusicarchive.net/compos … part15.pdf
Jake says:
there you go!

Jake says:
you have until christmas


now i undahztand 4 month zeem an acceptable deadlyn fo da zl*wworld group, but c’mon

aftah a few run thruz of diz zheeyat, da zepp iz able to attempt a prepared zitereadin of half da fuckin piece:


juz a bit…


:stop: 8)

n now dat i iz randomly informed of da G :stop: in diz, tiz apparent zum prax iz required. da firzt 1/4 of da sheeyat:

zepp.dasdc.net/random_gensui/zep … z_prax.wav


n now aftah zum mo prax tiz half da sheeyat:

zepp.dasdc.net/random_gensui/zep … z_prax.wav



i hope u used diz :g: as :stop:

my.opera.com/jalgor/homes/files/ … %20801.mp3


apparently 8)


Your tone is pretty uneven in the runs. But at least you’ve proved you can sorta practice in time. Congrats.

You should learn the whole piece and post a polished version. :slight_smile:

if u liztened to da :g: rec u vil notice da TONE iz not da only sheeyat datz uneven in hiz runz. but den tiz ovah 5npz zo u iz not expected to hear sheeyat anyway 8)

WRONG. i’ve proved i can zorta ziteread a sheeyat u believe wud take 4 monthz to learn to only 30% :g: level.

hahaha i iz zorry, but 20minz iz already plenty of :stop: zpent on a piece DIZ SHEEYAT

da :g: can keep hiz record becuz da zepp iz a nice mofo 8)