Da :pimp: jeux d'eau a la villa d'este

da zkep alvayz lyk diz zheeyatzu (on account of it bein mildly :ghey:), but lately moi get really into it

wut yo favorite perfz of diz? ezpecially interezted in zum rizky zanz-pedal trickz n perfz dat lean in to da imprezzionizt ztyle


This earthy version my fav perhaps controversially. For best mix of taste and tone maybe earlier Arrau.


dayum da zkep alvayz lyk a cuntroverzial take 8)

tru da ARROUZAL, da WILD n da ZIFF da kingz of diz zheeyat. liztened to many othah peepz but in diz caze it zeem lyk da main recz iz dat way fo a reazon. da PLATE haz a really weird interp worth checkin, but defo not ‘da bezt’

diz iturbi interp remind da zkep of da QUEEF interp, pozz u vil lyk dat

My reason is the maybe slightly corny dramatic sweep on the longer melody holds things together better for me than well counted tinkle shits. Also the “yes, there are tremolos what about it?” commitment works for me though tone maybe not magical as mystical color fog dudes

Da place dat diz piece iz bazed on iz zo amazingly beautiful dat itz ezzential u view it to fully appreciate wut da piece iz about

tru moi know exactly wutchu talkin about n totally agree, n in general diz piece need a very free tempo n bazically impro-level rubato

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Tru tiz one of ma fav. late :pimp: noizez
I stole online drone images to combine it with da REHBERG performance. Da hiss of da anzient rec adds to da authentic evocation of water zound :wink:


There are lots of interesting recordings of this but these are my top as well. Arrau both young and old (live) - two very different readings, but equally wonderful. Wild played it in an unforgettable way towards the end of his life, though with his usual rewrites and alas, at most performances, with a fair amount of bloopers along the way.

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Ma bad zelf preferz da young ARROUZAL by far…

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Tiz da :wood:

Truuu I like dat one as well

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try zoltan kocsis on philips - brings amazing claity
in fact, his recording of liszt´s pilgrimage yr 3 is the best available - even surpassing berman

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Ahahahaha da ZKEP lyk diz :pimp: zong

But wut about da much zuperiah latah rewrite

Da RAVEL fountain zheeyat :sunglasses:

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Moist rec’s of diz is ma fave


Ahahaha da RECTUM pozz ma fav :sunglasses:

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Hahahahah diz

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At da :zif: society no less?

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Tiz gud Az well.

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tru da zecret to diz ghey unleazh to hit at mozt half da notez :sunglasses: can u imagine how zheeyat it wud zound if hit dem all?

obviouzly da CORPZE 1920 zheeyat a transcendental genzui interp, da orgy n da machine gud too

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