da KEY SD chopetz?

narrow dem down, i know dey are all SDable, but which r da most competitive and legendary SD wize?

da 10/2 10/4 10/12 25/6 25/10 25/11 25/12

datz about rite?

thatz pretty much it. As fo da ultimate sd chopet i nominate da 25/6 8)

hahahaha, yz dat?

You forgot 10/1, and maybe 25/4. 8)

hahahah DATZX RITE

da 10/1 10/2 10/4 10/7 25/6 25/10 25/11

hahaha debatable

now ordah dem in order of SD hiztorical importance and competitivenezz

10/2 and 10/4 wud be top rite?

Yep 8)

Den I think 25/6. Actually 10/8 is pretty competitive as well 8)

I would remove da 10/2
dere iz just no competitivenezz
Rudy raped it so hard dat dis iz not even funny tryin…

hahahahahahaha, i disagree, dere r some mofoz who are takin up da challenge rite now!

includin a chineze and new zealand mofo

how bout 25/1 and 25/7?


we leave den 2 be defencelezzly raped by da rod

da NZ mofo iz da zepp I know…

da chineze iz da mofo who cheatz

he will go up against da RUDY in time trialz in da original, wit slo mo replay to c if he cheatz

in da next olympicz 8)

if rumours are true, i think meiting should take the crown fo fastest 10/2 8)

if i dun beat RUDY, i vil still take da crown fo da fastest combined timing of da chopet chopgod combo


all da arpp oriented chopetz r considered less den legendary due to da emphasis on ccr*cy rather den raw SPEED. ie most mofos can replicate da same technical pattern wit da same # of notez at insane speedz but just not exactly as written.

da lh finga tech ones, precisely da 10/12, is also less den legendary. no tru mofo lykz to rape easy pussy. dey’d rather encounter sum resistance (in da chopgodz).

da 25/4 is similar to da arp etudez as accuracy dominates da tech. thus again, less den legendary

da 25/10 iz controversial. az dere iz mass debate az to whether da inner chordz haff to be held

da 10/10 tho, IZ LEGENDARY. and moi believez diz to be da only rh chopet in which da DOC would comfortably outclass da competition.

da 10/7 & 25/8 r both considered LEGENDARY dn testz. moi believez dere to be mucho unexplored potential in da 25/8


hahaha exaclty

i haff thought abouyt da 25/8, in mah edition u haff to play da lowah rh notez all wit da thumb

dis basically slowz da possibility down to da same tempo az yo octz, so iz dere a fingerin alernative?