da KRITTY claim

merely breathing, minus human says:
da zepp
merely breathing, minus human says:
do u rezpec hiz ability on da 88
P £ã® ßëår says:
P £ã® ßëår says:
im better than him
P £ã® ßëår says:
he refused to play easy pieces
merely breathing, minus human says:
i vil pozt diz 8)

:whale: :whale: :whale:

hahaha i wud be a hippokrit if i dizz da kritty fo diz.

derez countlezz tymz when i haff dreamed of bein bettah den da :god:


the truth speaks for itself.

da zepp is 10 times the legend da clitrot will ever be!

you are quite legendary too, 45 posts with 100% trashy comments.

will we see da truth in:


hhahahhaha iznt da krit a judge?

hahah datz perfect sheeyat. cuz da zepp iz alzo a judge…

fo da beginnah zect 8)

i dun think anyone will enter da begginah sect. da intermediate sheeyat juzz askz fo a beethoven sonata movement. im pretty sho all of uz heah can do, or vil be able to do diz by next yer.

i vill judge using da jap jury ztandard from da chop compet.

remembah da MT?



hahahhhahah daKRITTY :dong:

hahahah da krity vz da zepp coldfart

a bit concluzive in termz of

:bar:[color=yellow] [size=200]ZPEED DEFINEZ DA WINNAH[/size]

niot laways, I think loadness does too.

hahahaha volume iz zecondary


I like load,a dn fast.



hahahahah bant