Da Lib unleashz CG in da hozart#21, and getz dissed


[b]Francesco Libetta, though, was the deepest disappointment. A pianist blessed with fleet, supple fingers, his Mozart – the Concerto No. 21 in C major – was a surface manifestation. It lacked a probing heart and mind, a beautiful, iridescent tone and, surprisingly, a degree of respect for Mozart.

It’s one thing to doodle in your own noodling cadenza or even to create ornamentation for this concerto. Pianists from Yefim Bronfman to Chick Corea have done that. But Libetta’s flippant glissando in the finale, which seemed to have strayed out of Weber’s Konzertstuck, smacked of condescension.

A performance of one of Mozart’s greatest works shouldn’t be a showcase for personal display, but rather for displaying the music.[/b]

obviously, it iz not da libz lack of RESPEC fo da hozart, but rather da reviewahz lack of RESPEC fo da lib



dey THOUGHT it wuz a glizz, da lib wuz juzt to fazt fo dem 8)

hahaha datz rite!
did da zepp help u fo dis piece of CG? 8)

Here I thought that you infused some CG into this foo’s review, but as it seems, the Ross guy had a little of his own. 8) I have a hard time believing his review, so I find it dispicable, but respecable. 8)

poor James Roos…
… dead…