pozz r.i.p.?

dayum! :rectum:
We zhud have an international week of mourning :jacko:

tru, sad sheeyat. Tremendously talented.


Da Dave Chappelle zumz up ma feelin

It’s really weird though, I’m from 1991, never listened to any of his music and somehow this feels like a tremendous loss I just cannot truly grasp :frowning: .

Rip indeed.

really? i find that very hard to believe.

Well of course I heard a lot, but it’s not like I have any cd’s of him or listened to him on my ipod.



i zee zo many mofoz n mofettez makin jokez n zayin dey iz happy he iz dead

diz dizrezpec iz zickenin

perzonally, i believe he wuz a gud man, he wuz troubled n had ‘petah pan zyndrome’ due to hiz inzanely ztrange unpringin, he wuz a truly mizundaztood mofo n da zhame he felt made him retreat from da world

he haz made BILLIONZ ov ppl happy wiz hiz muzik, dancin, n genuine nicenezz. a legend among legendz.

Fuck! diz unexpected wisdom of da :comme:


tru dat double tru.

Da mini Nor tribute…

Hahah 8)

R.I.P to da jacko , surely he’z feelin better where he iz , thiz was a diversion while hiz space shuttle was making for uranuz ( pozzibly with a million jellybeanz, a few britney cds and disposable culkin clonez fo xtra CG)


past: $1 Bil.

now: -$200-300 Mil.

genzui spending !!!

randomly, his albums sold roughly 750 miil. copies world wide. that’s massive imo.

