da milf wantz da zupahdoc vid

SlimSpikey20 (2:04:05 AM): wtf is da mule???
SlimSpikey20 (2:04:26 AM): cut it into lil fliez and upload it lol
SlimSpikey20 (2:04:30 AM): wtf is da mule???

hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha da blackmail tru…

i just downloaded it…thread over…

from where? and your connection must be fucking fast. :stop:

ok i wuz juzt abut to separate that and UL but if you ALREADY have it i won’t bother… :doc:

da emule u fuckahs lol…

i dun think i cud download dat shit da fazt, lmfao…

wow, you figured out da :mule: in record time. my rezpec level for you just went up. and i thought you were a computer noob.

tiz tru, da milphy is a bit of a gensui…

it just so happens dat sum days his brain iz off…eeda da rezult of da joints or da ridiculouz amount of bjz he got da previous day, tru…

i iz randomly going to bed…gud nite, fuckahz!

how do I find out about my pin code?

-da Meph