Da milfy is conztantly lonely...

tiz tru…da membah who is most online after me is da VOLODYA…besides him, u guys SUCCKCKCKKCKCK!!!

y do I heff to be alone at da sdc???

u iz disgrace to your family :shreddah:


haha i’m randomly on a LOT, usually during prax breaks, but i’m hidden cuz i often just leave this browser open and i don’t wanna confuse people 8)

haha milf i iz flattered u’d wanna meet irl, if we could u wouldn’t be this lonely :doc:

lets ingaurate da shreddah emoticon 8)

tiz tru…wud u lyk to meet me too?

ps. where do u live?

hahah a randum SDC meat n greet circle jerk pozzibly cummah

will u pair up wiff me in da circle jerk? i’d luv to stroke ur big, thick, musciouz, cummy cock!


haha, too far 8)



dun yo haff zome hot chix in da uni?

go bang da hell out of dem

or alternatively bang yo pillowz


i heff run out of teh chloroform, tiz tru…

my “bitch-attracting drug” iz already being shipped cummah, tru…