we’re required to compose this kind of 24 measure blues thing in school
my thing turned out to be so out-of-style me decided to post it here
hilariously sheeeeyat yet easily commanding da fullest of RESPECz
hahahahahahahah GENSUI!!!
groovy sheeyat!
Bassline - Predicable
Melody - Meticulous and ridiculous (excpet the end which was kinda cliché)
Respecable and impecable. 8)8)
hahahahahahahahaha, datz a wikid review
If you think that is cool, you really deserve to be called a nerd.
the bass line and end were given, so they’re sheeyat
the melody is really cool, because it’s written by me
Ic. Da furious gensui of da DDN transcends all limitationz and constraints. You shame me and amaze me.
hahahahahaha, da man
da fuckin NERD