da originz of da MT PIMP

DAIM read diz, tiz heart-felt sheeyat!!!


except diz mizplaced piece of CG:

But the personal sacrifices paid off, at least musically. At 14, Sun’s performance of Ravel’s Concerto in G at Alice Tully Hall was praised by the New York Times as a “stunningly fluid reading.”

FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK DIZ PREZZ QUOTE!!! tiz haff becummah da MT CG cliche :rudy:


da “stunningly fluid reading” iz now an official SDC m*zically rate :lib:

hahaha man tha MT life story could eazily be a rap album epic.

maybe it iz tym fo tha SUN to pick up tha mic :dong:


TE #5

lol :whale:

tru :whale:

MT iz a piano ninja- quick, but too harsh.