hahaha, which do u prefer

  • da mini-cock shitzo stylee CG cad
  • da HUGE-MONZTAH-COCK uber FURY cad

0 voters

hahaha, da big queztion :dong:

i perzonally prefer da HUGE COCK, itz simply alot betta n mo FURIOUZ den da otha minicock

da HO hilariouzly played da mini-cock, howevah MOZT TRU MOFOz play da huge mofo


THe fast one iz my preferred cadenza. The more ‘furiouz’ one iz too fucking slow and doesn’t fit so well. Listen to da way da WHALE plays da furious chords. Disgustz me.

da ‘fazt’ 1 iz only fazta cuz itz a harda tech, datz lyk expectin a mofo to play MAZEPPA in da same nps ratio az comme le vent

da minicock juzt seemz worthlezz n sheeyat, da only redeemin value iz da inherent CG in playin sumthin so sheeyat

Mazz debatable. Da scarecrow cadenza iz da legit sheeyat. Da ‘furiouz’ candenza iz a great bore. Fury iz only good at speed (unlezz itz really off da rectum scale). I haff da gav, whale, volodic (and othah mofoz) playing diz sheeyat and not one of them convincez me dat da long cadenza iz bettah.

well diz iz wut diz iz about, i juzt think da big cadenza iz much mo emotional, n simply betta

sum say it fuckz up da structure of da piece, but datz only if u dun lyk da 3rd mvt

itz actually IMO da bezt part of rach3, besidez maybe da huge cum-shot endin

on a similar note, da rocky1 cadenza iz neva criticized fo bein ova-long n dramatic, cuz i actually think da end of da 1zt mvt iz a betta endin den da end of da finale

mazz debatable fo sho

hahahahhaa, orgy kills it easily!

da rock likes da mini-cock version betta.

that should say something

hahaha, da ROCK wuz frightened of hiz own girth

da Rock Cock…

it’s so huge, when it’s erected, it points back to da Rock’s mouth.

hahahahahaha, not up hiz own azz?

da huge one… biret playz it

to anzah diz queztion, we refer back to da KMARTz graphic illuztration of da WIKIDnezz az a function of eitha SPEED or FURY. da graph showz dat once yo tech exceedz a certain level, yo vil sound objectively mo WIKID playing da minicock cad. diz meanz every TRU MOFO PENIZ shud play da minicock cad, n only da NUTSACKz shud play da monztahcock.

it alzo meanz dat doze TRU MOFOz who play da monztahcock r not achieving optimal WIKIDnezz 8)

tiz tru :lib:

I agree with da comme on every point. da long cadenza is more emotionl and furious. Nuff said. It is the best part of the piece. And that says a lot!

-The Mephisto

best part?!?!?!?!? u truely biz norweigen!

da best part iz right in da beginning when the cello takes da melody

hahahahahahhaha, i agree wit da MEPH fo sum strange reazon

DAIM i didnt know u cud sink diz low :comme:

mephizto iz actually a friend of da SATAN, so he haz already sunk to da depthz of hell, n haz randomly cum up to norway, n pozted on da forumz


nope, dat iz nowhere near az low :comme:

