obviouzly, da ROOF had 1 of da premiere techz in da comp, n all hiz perfz were wikid
i rememba da end of hiz PIMP SONATA where he unleashez da mozt hilariouz random TAP on da lazt note, a moment of random comedy to round up da INSANE DRAMA
ROOF - alzo - if u iz readin diz, we haff to azk about da SDCz favourite mofo - da PAVEL aka - da PAVEMENT
we particulaly loved diz peniztz insane FURY n raw on-da-edge-of-yo-seat excitement, in da sl*w partz he wuz admittedly a bit shit.
but in da FURIOUZ PARTZ, he wuz litelarry fuckin SCARY.
HEy thankx for your support! im so curious to how it sounded on the internet, and have been asking the damn competition to send me my recordings, but they still havent. Im off to germany this sunday to play the beethoven emperor wuhoo! Anywyas its fun to read all your posts hehe. laters peace