" She “managed” to get through the music school (and winning a few competitions along the way) with minimum of practice time, relying mostly on her outstanding sight-reading abilities and photographic memory to pass the yearly exams."
da remain unconvinced, n pointz to da contradicktory CG:
“In fact, she contributes her effortless technique to hours of mindless repetitions of the most difficult passages all while devouring the latest books she would keep on her music stand”
but den, da LUGY wud be proud of diz:
“instead she dreamt of becoming a pro chess player!”
hahahahaha RESPEC da SLIT intellect.
n sum potentially LEGENDARY sheeyat:
“a DVD featuring Chopin’s 24 Etudes - the first in series of music videos recorded by Ms. Lisitsa (with others including Schubert-Liszt songs and virtuoso masterpieces ranging from Ravel’s Gaspard de la Nuit and Liszt’s Don Juan are to be released later this year).”
DATZ RITE, da SLIT vil take on da DON in a DVD match up. however, in an excluzive SDC intahview she deniez any comparizonz, instead offering diz profound filozofical statement:
“i vil only be competiting againzt mabadzelf ”