Da TRIF poll

  • bazic azz bitch
  • tru genzui

0 voters


He’s fine, not always amazing but sometimes he will do something that is surprisingly great. Very uneven in terms of interpretation.


Ahahahah da TRIF haff


But wut elze? :sunglasses:

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hiz witch’z chin hath cazt a hex upon da critic clazz

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I think da Trif is pretty world-class.

Do I like everything he plays?
No. He’s often forced into big blockbuster rep by da management n has to learn new progs in da one month he gets off per year

His extensive rep n work habits def not “basic”


tru, but pozz to da TRIF credit, da zkep only uze two tierz, da bazic bitch n tru genzui :sunglasses:

he iz zhorely at da top end of bazic bitch, but duz he haff da zound of a genzui? da zkep can not beztow da genzui title on any niggah hooz zound iz ‘ztandard modern’

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Da Trif got my respect fo his distinct lack of percussiveness.

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non-percuzzive lyk diz? noizy double notez, dropped notez n muddinezz in da hard zheeyatz n zloppy chordz too

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da fuckin noizy double notez bazically all ovah da place (not juzt da TRIF) in 21zt century playahz, da zkep now conzidah diz a part of da tranzendental tech of da golden age/Ruzzian Zchool vich hath been mildly lozt


refreshing, fascinating, modern, sometimes maudlin Chopin


dayum, ten-to-two in favor of declarin diz kid a genzui? da zkep clearly need to RECTUMFY da sdc on how unremarkable diz twat iz wiz a


Trifonov vs. random conzervatory azn nobodiez blind tezt :sunglasses: it forthcummah, yo zhame iz imminent

Tru genzui - in the 4 or 5 concerts every year where he gets his act together.

Elsewise slimy, confused, weak and with a complete lack of timing.

Tru I changed my mind and did vote for him in da Tony YT poll.

Da piece of shit joo management is milking him dry pozz.

Tiz Inhumane to schedule a pianist in 10+ concerti each season while he learn a nu hardcore rep.

Dey should let da mofo narrow down his rep.

Da only perfs of his dat I felt was sub-par wuz da Chopzon 2, Bach-Brahms Chaconne n Brahms Paganini Book 1.

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I agree he’s clearly an artist but is gangbanging his rep absorption ability instead of bringing deeper insights And ruminating and shit. I put Yuja in this camp until recently too but her tech so solid she weathered this alright, moosically less so.

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Dey forced him into big-boned rep, his main n considerable strength is da delicate sheeyats n fingerwork.

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