Maybe in Bach, but do you think that Gould was better than Feinberg technincly in rep that is more about wrist etc?

I am not saying that he wasn`t.

Feinberg is seriously a fantastic pianist and composer.

-da Meph

Gould had an incredible technique, that was was of his own invention.

In terms of articulation and rhythmic control, he’s one of the best ever. In terms of close control and attention to detail, Rachmaninov’s Gnomenreigen style of playing is the closest parallel.

His technique was not best suited for power in the romantic virtuoso repertoire (which he hated, anyway).

un-BACH repertoire examples of Gould virtuosity

Beethoven 5th Symphony Trans

yousendit.com/transfer.php?a … A07ADC2845

Prok 7 finale

yousendit.com/transfer.php?a … B4523A653F

And what stupid SDC and Pianoforum members don’t realize, is that it’s more difficult technically to play Contrapunctus IV cleanly, Gould’s speed, and attention to voicing, than playing a Chopin Etude really fast and ugly (i.e., Wunder)


i haff mazz rezpec fo da GG articulation

altho i do think hiz earliah sheeyat (ie: da firzt goldberg recording, rathah dan da zecond) iz bettah


WRONG. Howevah, diz iz an undahztandable mizconception fo zumone whoz only been playin fo a yr.

Fo BACH, ZART n mozt of da :brotha: u need a total of TWO HAND POSITIONZ (namely da scale zpacin n root arp zpacin) that if mastered can be utilized wizout effort to play deir moz ‘difficult’ workz

da :g: dex n tech iz built almoz zolely on DEZE TWO hand pozitionz. Give him a piece wiz runz dat dun fall wizin eithah, fo eg da CHOPZON3 mvmt2, witnezz da rezultz:


znail zpeed wiz mizzed notez, zero articulation, pedal covahup n ztill NUTZACK evennezz.

now compare wiz da :god: live perf of diz zame mvmt :doc: :comme:

Wiz :god: n alzo zumone lyk da :doc: deir dex n tech maztery covah 20 tymz da zpectrum of da :g:. Juz an example, in da original 10/2 da RH iz forced into mo hand pozitionz den in da complete workz of BACH.

in contrazt to da :g: , da :god: zoundz equally comfortable in da 10/2 10/4 25/11 :brotha: moonrape, haydn gazfart etc… n da :doc: equally comfortable in a zcale n in da 2000 random runz in da JEFFzki MOFO varz

da :g: tech function wikidly in hiz zpecialized rep, n we rezpec dat. but in zeriouz tech analyziz tiz laffable to put him on da :god: :doc: :ziff: :dong: :lib: :whale: or even pollen level

Don’t forget the Bizet Chromatic Vars. I was very impressed by those.

And quite frankly I’ve never heard a better Brahms 1 than Gould’s with Adler/Baltimore. Funny though, I would have thought Gould would play that concerto terribly.

But i will agree with whoever said that Feinberg’s WTC is superior to Gould’s. I just find Gould’s a little dry and awkward in places. Whereas Feinberg plays each piece as though his life depended on it. And listen to his C# minor Fugue. Each voice is absolutely unique and entirely independant of the others.


De emconsheyeatz!!! :stop: :rock: :pimp: :kan: :brotha: :imp: :doc: :ziff: :cry: 8) :wink: :whale: :ho: :astonished: :frowning: :open_mouth: :blush: :rectum: :rock: :ho: :doc: :rudy: :kan: :brotha: :imp:

Yeah, I actually quite like the way Gould does the OCTAVES in the Brahms 1st mvt (surprisingly), heh.

As a whole, I agree that Feinberg had a better idea of interpretation in mind with the whole set. But for individual pieces, I always come back to Gould.

i luv da way you dizz da trugod , rezpec :chop:

gould did prolly never bother to learn da chop 3 piano sonata for real. he just played it to proof dat Chopin sucked(wich he doesn`t)

-da Meph

This is so ridiculous. HARD Bach Fugues and Goldberg Variations are much more difficult than a Mozart Sonata, technically. But you don’t a) listen to Bach, or b) play Bach, so you wouldn’t know.

OMG. He plays the left hand OUT OF SYNC. And you are saying this is because he couldn’t handle the piece technically? You’re so full of shit. He hated Chopin and didn’t take him seriously. But if you think he hated Chopin because he couldn’t PLAY Chopin, you really don’t know anything about piano.

First off: you are a total ignoramous if you think that the 10/2 forces the hand into more hand positions than the total works of Bach. Your statement is stupid beyond all belief. Have you ever played one Bach fugue? Contrapunctus IV is probably more difficult than 10/4. Bach forces the hands to move in every conceivable way so that it essentially prepares one for the Chopin Studies. Why do you think Chopin taught his students Bach before his own works?

You’re denigrating Gould for not meeting some imaginary quality standard that you nonsensically have found in an airhead like Wunder. I’ve already agreed that Hamelin’s all-round technique is the best in history. Wunder’s is pretty impressive too. Gould neither wanted to play pieces like the Norma Fantasy, and probably wouldn’t do the best job with them. His technique was not geared towards it. My point was - the aspect of technique that Gould demonstrates in Bach is a marvellous achievement that had never been seen before, and will most likely never be seen again. Berezovsky’s Goldberg Variations are absolutely disgusting. Lifchitz and Gavrilov are the only ones who play them as well as Gould technically, and they essentially lifted the technique FROM Gould.

Anyway, Wunder and Hamelin are both limp-dicked musicians who give us nothing in the way of interpretive insight.

They can play everything technically well, but boringly. Good for them.

Hey, if you want to jerk off to feats of technique and nothing else, the Cziffra “Improv” video awaits you.

But in reality, all the pianists you mentioned (with the exception of Cziffra, who’s Liszt is truly unique) are totally dispensable.

da woofah … pleeez quote moi :whale: :whale: :whale:


mo 88ztreet ztyle argumentz

i have allied myself wif the pole for the sake of defeating wunder. (that is, if you approve of moiseiwistch)

I officialize ur alliance n make a nu special sl*w world group fo yo 8)

hahaha firzt up rezpec fo agreein on all da majah pointz. but patience muz perzizt if u iz to be enlightend in da finah detailz

hahaha ok let moi explain diz in a way a tech-illiterate can undahztand:

He hated da :brotha: azzpazzion, which he played ZLWLY n EVENLY n ACCURATELY in a mockin interp. he hated da :brotha: moorape, which he played QUICKLY EVENLY n ACCURATELY in a mockin interp. he hated da :brotha: PATH, which he played QUICKLY EVENLY n ACCURATELY in a mockin interp. he abzolutely hated juz about every zingle ZART ZON, which he played zumtymz ZLWLY zumtymz QUICKLY n EVENLY n ACCURATELY in variouz mockin interpz.

he hated da :chop: , n he play da zon3 mvmt2 ZL*WLY n INACCURATELY n UNEVENLY WIZ MIZZD NOTEZ IN DA RUNZ in a mockin interp

c da difference?

n guezz y hez zuddenly in relatively bettah TECH zhape in da mvm4? datz rite bach/zart zcalez all ovah

n one mo sheeyat, i dun c da :g: zayin da :chop: died too late, zo he muz haff luvd him juz a bit mo den da ZART 8)

READ MA SHEEYAT AGAIN. get da zheetz, ztart countin. uze white keyz az da unit fo diztance, :brotha: keyz count az 0.5. count pozitionz when at n aftah da time of ztrike of fingah#1, fingah#2 (or mo) iz fixed at one pozition (held note) n cannot move.

truzt me diz iz a gud learnin exercize :stop: 8)

hahaha u noe full well da zepp nevah dizcuzz imaginary sheeyatz lyk m*zicality. i only work wiz raw quantifiable factz. read da full sheeyat again n dun confuze yozelf 8)

hahaha fuck diz perzonal attackz! at leazt direct diz at da zepp. wut da fuck haff da :god: :doc: evah dun to u?!

c diz iz much bettah



haha d00d. the chop 2nd mvt of b minor sonata ain’t even that hard. It’s certainly easier than the LAST mvt, which he plays quite well.

I think Gould was just being a cock. He often does that. Here’s a great example of Gould being a complete asshole:

yousendit.com/transfer.php?a … 643E27046B

NB: this is essentially interpeRAPE

hahaha damn…i iz realizin I can’t help but like da zepp. :smiley:

hahahahahha correctly

hahaha deze recz iz da reazon y u iz unbanned n vil lykly ztay zo fo zumtym yet 8)

hahah dats rite. :comme: