da Whale page-turnin genzui

a :whale: + :comme: cg 8)

:whale: :whale:



da DOC got pwnd zimilahrly when pageturnin fo da MADGE cleavahcumbucket. 8)

if aftah diz da zepp ztill zay da :whale: cud fakerudy…

juz WTF 8)

ahahahahahah tru i already retire ma WHALE fakerudy theory aftah da PIMPZON zitereadin record 8)

hahaha I juz noticed da ‘wtf’ glance da whale throwz at diz mofo :whale:


HAHAHA da way dis mofo putz hiz hand ovah hiz mouth :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA n da MOFOz reaction zpeed actually rezpecable if u count from da WHALE backflip :stop:

but a bit sheeyat if u count from da wtf glance :g: 8)

Randomly I have a Pollini Bootleg (same one from the pimpzon I uploaded) where this also happens, but it’s a bit more acceptable since it’s stockhausen lol

could u ul dat stockhausen? :blush:

DAIM at diz vid :smiley:

Hahahahahaha fuckk! diz iz y hate bein a pageturnah since i iz always afraid diz will happend n da peniz wun b able to recovah lyk da WHALE!½

i had this once actually, luckily it wasn’t with a pianist like berezovksy, ha :smiley:

man, pageturnin’ is mo stressful than playin itself

ahahahahah i iz zuprized no one haff cummah wiz da ztandard sdc reaction to diz. if twuz a random penizt n not a well rezpecd legend lyk da WHALE, i iz zhor da firzt reply wud haff been, in da form of a capcunt:

:comme: -wtf i thought u wuz faztah den dat :stop: 8)

17/08/2007 05:41:00 Da Comme
ahaha da whale inzane zpeed cauze da confuzo da mofo wuz bookd to turn pagez fo da lugy (H)

haaha tho I dun quite underztand da :comme: logic in diz cg 8)

stockhausen plz :stop:

holy crap!!!

I will upload the Stockhausen tomorrow pozzibly, but it’s not the page-turning one, I lost that one :’)

tru tha two tymz ive pageturnd at pro zheeyatz fo whatevah reazon az zoon az i zit down i haff to pizz really bad n zumtymz crap real bad

a bit incovenient 8) :stop:

gahahahahahah da zepp once pageturn fo a biatch doin da complete claydahdong

in a motel lobby :kan: