da zepp arriveth in MTland

truuuu da shanghai

i vil chill here fo a week, pozz mo

diz city, a bit…

:comme: :gav: :orgy: :dong: :ziff: :whale:


I heard it wuz a bit :zhreddah: too.

ahahah tru juz think

MT in drag 8)

hahaha da zepp increazingly rezembles a ‘Wanted by Interpol’ mofo 8)

ahahahaha fuckkkkkkkkkkk

i iz currently on gud termz wiz da chineze geztapo, dey vil not zell ma azz out fo a couple of euroz

hopefully :dong:

ahahah tiz zumwut

above PIMP hungarian level n below
ZIFF french level, zo bazically, enuff fo

night-tym zolicitation at key diztrictz 8)

Hahaha da zepp next predicktable ztop …
Putin-land :rectum:

ahahahahah fuckkk tru in tym i vil azk fo da official MART GUIDE to da zt petahzburglah

den compare it wiz da TRUMOFO LOCAL GUIDE 8)