da zepp attempt a TRUMOFO clazzic

az a tribute to da TRUMOFO 2nd jyard rec zezzion

TRU :sunglasses:

Swiftly commented.

Diz inzpired moi to zit down n do ma own cold unleash (see ma otha thread, I’m not raping diz one)

Legendary as EXPECTED.

Alzo, da LH crossover give diz a unique ZCRIB rhythm, diz 1000x better den any RH cheatah attempt


i wud zay da zepp haz zum gud inztinctz on where to zay FUCK U to da urzext juz to get dat extra bit of rape in 8)


Da total time highly rezpectable

Hahada zepp edition of da ending… a long lost ROCKET? 8)

Da zepp tuned his 88 recently?

Ahahaha harzhly no

I think da bettah zound cummah from

Da nu phone i iz uzin 8)

If i upgrade to an iphone 10 diz 88 cud zound lyk a priztine Yamaha zheeyat 8)

Ahahaha datz bazically da zepp in hiz natural pure-rape habitat

But a zepp rocket 39-5

Pozz anotha legit golden age interp? 8)

hahaha fuckkkk

pozibly da firzt time da zepp zacrifiez rape fo accuracy 8)



n yet tiz ztill a RAPED PERF

REZPEC da zepp 8)


da zepp inventz rape with foreplay 8)

I thought da foreplay is

Da rape itself! 8)


diz MART prezz quote :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale:

8) :comme:

AHAHAHAHA truuuu da zepp rape often a confuzin zheeyat in termz of

m*zical ztructure 8)



ok, I will juz say it

da ZCRIB piano writing iz as awkward an as worthless as da fucking Chopzon 2 rape zects.
FUCK da zkrib 8)

ahahahaha truuuuuu

da ZCRIB iz at hiz moz inzpired when he writez

RAW OCTZ n nothin elze in da LH

tiz y da BEZT ZCRIB SD CLAZZIC of all tym iz actually

da 8/9 8)

in diz u dun haff to deal wiz random weird contortionz every 2 secz zo juz LOCK YO HANDZ UP n ZMAZH to achieve MAXIMUM RAPE EFFECT

tiz how da zepp wud approach it anyway 8)

Da 8-9 a bit of a classic!

It got a distict FUCKED chop writing vibe - da inaudible middle note which you MUST play on vid 8)


:ho: : fuck dat, I’m not playing it, BITCH 8)

I played dat mofo a few times, harshly no recs… 8)
Too bad I deleted da CAF rectal 8)